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Ragdolls: attempts diary


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So I am trying to create ragdolls. I have never done that before but I think it is time for it. Who knows what cool stuff comes out of it. In this topic I will keep images of my progress.


Step 1: Create a static mesh for testing which exists entirely out of cylinders, boxes and a sphere.



Step 2: We create the joints and link limbs together.



Step 3. Apply shapes and mass to the limbs and see if there any "problems".


Picture below shows the groovy dance style that my ragdoll has learned all by himself.



Step 4. Just for fun: add mass to the body and torso as well.

Side note: record progress to let everybody know that ragdolls are funny to work with.



Step 5: Instead of a static position. try to set a dynamic position and move shapes to their correct places.

As you can see here, I need some slight tweaking.




To be continued....

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Guest Red Ocktober

hey Aggror... your work reminded me of something a lil ahead of its time, that i saw being done a while back in Blitz3D...



i dunno if it was ever completed, or is still available... but i think this would definitely be well received on the pc as well as the mobile audience, and would go well with the sort of stuff you are doing...



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