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After doing a rebuild of my entire project I get several errors in the winuser.h.


I have never touched that file nor have I updated the project via the leadwerks updater. I checked out an older version via GIT but the problem remains. Any idea what this could be?


typedef struct tagINPUT {
DWORD type;
__in UINT cInputs,					 // number of input in the array
__in_ecount(cInputs) LPINPUT pInputs, // array of inputs
__in int cbSize);					 // sizeof(INPUT)


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Thanks for the answer guys. Unfortunately, it hasn't gone away. I tried the following steps.


I closed visual studio.

I did a hard reset on the last commit where everything worked.

I closed GIT (just to be sure)

I opened up visual studio

I cleaned the solution and did a rebuild

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I found it.


After recreating a new project and copying everything over I still got the error. Then I spotted something in a class:

#define INPUT

I have my own class for handling input. The define segment doesn't define my class because I forgot to give it a different name. Coincidental, input is already used by the winuser.h, causing the error.

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You should name your #define macros like XXX_INPUT, where XXX stands for your project or your favorite name.


That's also a good scenario why c++ programmer use namespace and why "using namespace" shouldn't be in header files (if your #define would be a const int input = 0x01 for example and windows.h (or some other header) using the same variable name, you would have similiar problems).


Good to see, you could resolve your problem *cheers*

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