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Option for empty project or template


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When you create a new project, have a simple checkbox that allows you to set if you want to have Sample code ready. (The flying around code etc)


Instead of an empty project you would also be able to choose a template

  • First person character
  • Third person character

I would be happy to provide these templates and maintain them.

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By template do you mean like RPG, RTS, FPS etc? Then it provides you with the base stuff so when you first click Run your in the right style of game?


Or do you mean like a copy of the Darkness Awaits or Blank?

Operation Mosquito

Recruiting 3d Modeller/Animator. (pm if interested)


It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little. Do what you can. - Sydney Smith
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Right now when you create a new project you have starting code which allows you to fly around the start.map that every project has by default. With templates you have the abilty to load a map but instead of a flying camera, you have a first person camera or a third person camera.

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That would be v.handy, especially if for example first person display the arm's just so you can get a good idea for the players perspective during the level design process. I found this issue myself yesterday as I made a fence, and archway which would go infront of the building (kind of like a covered path) but when I went into spectator mode to have a look it was huge in comparison despite appearing the right size in the editor.

Operation Mosquito

Recruiting 3d Modeller/Animator. (pm if interested)


It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little. Do what you can. - Sydney Smith
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