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[solved] How to compile C++ Project for Android


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Hello Everyone,


i created a C++ Project and compiling etc. works nice on Windows.


Now i wanted to test it on Android so i published the project for Android but it gave me Errors.


then i linked the new .cpp and .h files into the Source-Folder just like the App.cpp and App.h files that are already linked there.


But i still get this Error:

C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/obj/local/armeabi/objs/app/__/__/__/Source/App.o: In function `StoreWorldObjects(Leadwerks::Entity*, Leadwerks::Object*)':
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/App.cpp:33: undefined reference to `Player::Player(Leadwerks::Entity*)'


Not sure what i am doing wrong.

Will try to compile a completely new Project for Android now.




Compiling a clean Android project works.


I have now found the Application.mk file where i need to add the source files at "LOCAL_SRC_FILES"


Now i get different errors:

C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/NextMap.cpp: In constructor 'NextMap::NextMap(Leadwerks::Entity*)':
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/NextMap.cpp:15: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(Leadwerks::Entity*, Leadwerks::Entity*, float*, float*, float)' to 'void*'
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/NextMap.cpp:15: error: initializing argument 2 of 'virtual void Leadwerks::Entity::AddHook(int, void*)'
make: *** [C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/obj/local/armeabi/objs/app/__/__/__/Source/NextMap.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp: In constructor 'Player::Player(Leadwerks::Entity*)':
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp:10: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(Leadwerks::Entity*)' to 'void*'
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp:10: error: initializing argument 2 of 'virtual void Leadwerks::Entity::AddHook(int, void*)'
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp:11: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(Leadwerks::Entity*, Leadwerks::Entity*, float*, float*, float)' to 'void*'
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp:11: error: initializing argument 2 of 'virtual void Leadwerks::Entity::AddHook(int, void*)'
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp:12: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(Leadwerks::Entity*)' to 'void*'
C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/jni/../../../Source/Player.cpp:12: error: initializing argument 2 of 'virtual void Leadwerks::Entity::AddHook(int, void*)'
make: *** [C:\Leadwerks\Projects/RollingC/Projects/Android/obj/local/armeabi/objs/app/__/__/__/Source/Player.o] Error 1


I suppose that this are some issues that the code needs to be a bit different for Android.



I only used parts of this tutorial. Http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/class-hooks-r38


So it seems they are not android compatible?

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I got it to compile now.


I typecasted the methods to (void*) in AddHook



i don't like this way because i am pretty sure it is dirty and is causing the crash when i try to run it.


06-04 02:44:56.058: A/libc(8712): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000018 (code=1), thread 8738 (Thread-567)


But i have still no idea how to solve it. Because everything is working nicely on Windows and i have mostly just followed the tutorial from Josh http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/class-hooks-r38

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I haven't changed the gameobject class and when I keep it just like in the tutorial it is working on windows when I compile with visual studio.


but the exact same code won't compile with eclipse for android.


//edit: just noticed. I have posted this in programming but I should have posted this in the android forum i think.

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If you need the project i could send it to you. It might just take its time to upload. Or maybe only the source.



To give some more information to possibly help to find the issue:


The GameObject in my project is exactly as in the tutorial.


The Player Object however i only added an entity parameter to the constructor.

Player::Player(Entity* setEntity)
 entity = setEntity;
 //Enable the hooks this class uses


since i have seen other people here doing it this way and that it is working on windows i think that is ok.



Thanks anyway for looking at it.

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as i have written in the chat:

It does not compile on Android when i stick with the tutorial.


It only compiled when i typecasted the hook-method to (void*)

but it crashed on my android device as soon as i started the game.



On Windows it always compiles and runs without any crash.



And i have seen in the main.cpp in the c++ project template that you typecast a hook method yourself to (void*) on line 25:


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I copied the code from that tutorial and created a new Foo object in the App::Start function. Everything works fine on Android:


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Hi Josh,


first i need to thank you so much.

I tried your Project and it compiled and was running perfectly on my android device.


I checked the code and noticed that you also typecasted the hook methods to (void*) so at least i was not completely wrong with my idea.


Then i started to remove line by line of my code on loading a map to see what is causing the Crash "Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)".


I came to this part where i check the filesize of the map-file:

if ( FileSystem::GetFileSize(mapfile) > 0 ) {
  //map loading stuff


As soon as i removed that line and loaded the map without checking filesize it didn't crashed.


So it seems the method "FileSystem::GetFileSize()" causes a Segmentation fault on Android.




Thanks for being so patiently when i looked for the error in the wrong place. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Create a default CPP project.


Replace App.cpp with this:

#include "App.h"

using namespace Leadwerks;

App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {}

App::~App() { delete world; delete window; }

Vec3 camerarotation;
#if defined (PLATFORM_WINDOWS) || defined (PLATFORM_MACOS)
bool freelookmode=true;
bool freelookmode=false;

bool App::Start()

   //Create a window
   window = Window::Create("CPPTEST");

   //Create a context
   context = Context::Create(window);

   //Create a world
   world = World::Create();

   //Create a camera
   camera = Camera::Create();

   //Hide the mouse cursor

   std::string mapname = System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map");

   //Move the mouse to the center of the screen

   return true;

bool App::Loop()
   //Close the window to end the program
   if (window->Closed()) return false;

   //Press escape to end freelook mode
   if (window->KeyHit(Key::Escape))
       if (!freelookmode) return false;

   if (freelookmode)
       //Keyboard movement
       float strafe = (window->KeyDown(Key:) - window->KeyDown(Key::A))*Time::GetSpeed() * 0.05;
       float move = (window->KeyDown(Key::W) - window->KeyDown(Key::S))*Time::GetSpeed() * 0.05;

       //Get the mouse movement
       float sx = context->GetWidth()/2;
       float sy = context->GetHeight()/2;
       Vec3 mouseposition = window->GetMousePosition();
       float dx = mouseposition.x - sx;
       float dy = mouseposition.y - sy;

       //Adjust and set the camera rotation
       camerarotation.x += dy / 10.0;
       camerarotation.y += dx / 10.0;

       //Move the mouse to the center of the screen


   return true;


Publish the project for Android.


Runs fine. Prints 0 for the size, because we had to do some funny things for the Android file system.



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That's a different issue.


I had to implement a "virtual" file system because Android:

-Doesn't allow apps to have folders with files in them.

-Doesn't allow two files to have the same names, even if the extensions are different.


The command std::string FileSystem::GetAppDataPath() returns the correct file path for IO operations. Presently only Windows and Mac are supported.



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