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Custom Templates not scanned correctly


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I have a couple of custom project templates based on the c++ one, but with small added files like basic config etc. Before the everything worked like a charm, but now if i want to have the project variables replaced in 3rd party files it didn't work anymore.


I have added the required extension to the ScanAndReplace section in the werk file andpreviously this worked, but now all my new created projects are useless.


I have attached a small modified c++ template which has a modified werk file ( extension 'resc' added to the scan and replace option) and a 'resc' file under the source folder.



  • Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version
  • NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. Well I thought the sample might be enough to demonstrate the behaviour, but i will try to explain it more detailed:



All files in a project template with a extension which could be found in the .werk files section "ScanAndReplaceFiles" should be scanned and all occurances of variables like $PROJECT_TITLE, etc should be replaced in these files.


Actual Behaviour:

This only works for some predefined files (mainly the cpp project and source file). In the current version if i add a new file extension to the "ScanAndReplaceFiles" section, the content of files with the new extension is left unmodified, but the filename is still correclty scanned and replaced.



Sample "ScaneAndReplaceFiles" section:



Sample File located somewhere in the templatefolder:


Filename = "$PROJECT_TITLE.resc"



After creating a project based on this template the result is something like this:

Projectname = myproject

Filename: myproject.resc


I hope this explains the behaviour a bit better.

  • Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version
  • NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI
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