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Question about lighting


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I am going through a simple free look tutorial which everything is going smoothly, however I clicked on 'Calculate Lighting' inside the LE Editor and now my scene is dark, I realize i don't have a light source but in the tutorial video there was already shadows where mine had no shadows. So i guess my question is why did the lights already cast shadows in the tutorial video and not in my scene (I have the same code as the tutorial as well). And how do I undo the calculate lighting so i can see my level again.


Sorry about the wordiness smile.png

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you need a light source to cast shadows. no light no shadows. No light source, no light in scene to calculate making everything dark. to fix it add a light source, position and rotate it to the desired position. click calculate lights and this should fix your issue

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was anyone able to have lighter shadows with only one light?

I would like to have shadows which are not completely Black but without adding a second light source

because that gives me a second shadow too.

The color option in the calculate lighting window seems to do nothing.

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