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LE leve load the first 4 seconds


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Hey all,


Now this used to happen me with LE2 also. When a level loads for the first four seconds or so everything moves really fast (i.e character controller) . After it then it evens out and the game speed is as expected .


It's like I've hit the turbo button on my old 386 DX =) for a few seconds.


Am I alone in seeing this? and is there anyway to stop it?



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I have paused it.

It seems it helps a bit. At least the speedup have gone down from around 4 seconds or more to 1 or 1/2 second.


my method for loading levels:

void App::LoadMap(std::string mapfile = "")
if (mapfile == "") {
 mapfile = nextMap->nextMapFile;
//if ( mapfile != "" && mapfile != ".\\" && FileSystem::GetFileSize(mapfile) > 0 ) {
if ( mapfile != "" && mapfile != ".\\" ) {
 world = World::Create();
 //create camera
 camera = Camera::Create();
 camera->SetRotation(90, 0, 0, true);
 Map::Load(mapfile, StoreWorldObjects);
 // target camera at player
 if (player)
  //Vec3 cameraPosition = Vec3(player->entity->GetPosition());
  //cameraPosition.y += 5;
  camera->SetScript("Scripts/Cameras/TopDown.lua", true);
  if (cameraEffect)

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