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Some problems with wheels


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Hello everyone!


I have to ask if someone knows solution to my problems with vehicle wheels.


First of all picture:




First problem is that why my vehicles wheels are going through terrain? And how it can be fixed?


Second one is, while vehicle is moving wheels are not keeping their location. I am not meaning springs, but wheels are also moving in x and z axis when vehicle is moving.

Windows 7 Ultimate | Intel Core i7 930 @ 2.80 ghz | Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 | Leadwerks 2.5 | Blitzmax

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Here is some vehicle code:

Global Car:TEntity=LoadModel("abstract::"+carname$+".gmf")

Local CarBody:TBody=CreateBodyBox(2,0.5,4)
moveentity carBody, vec3(0,-0.2,0)
SetBodyMass CarBody, CarMass
EntityParent Car,CarBody
entitytype carbody, 3
Global vehicle:TVehicle=CreateVehicle(CarBody)
SetBodyFriction(carBody, 0.5, 0.5)

AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(FRightTirePosX, FRightTirePosY, FRightTirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper)
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(BRightirePosX, BRightirePosY, BRightirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper)
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(FLeftTirePosX, FLeftTirePosY, FLeftTirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper)
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(BLeftTirePosX, BLeftTirePosY, BLeftTirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper)
SetBodyMass CarBody, CarMass
EntityType CarBody,2

Local tiremesh:TMesh[4]
For Local i:Int=0 To 3


Later in main loop:




For Local ii:Int=0 To 3
 Turnentity tiremesh[ii],vec3(0,0,90)
scaleentity tiremesh[ii], vec3(TireRadius,TireWidth,TireRadius)

Windows 7 Ultimate | Intel Core i7 930 @ 2.80 ghz | Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 | Leadwerks 2.5 | Blitzmax

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I think it's not problem because vehicle makes jump and when it's landed wheels are stuck in ground again.


Here is some new code:


Global Car:TEntity=LoadModel("abstract::"+carname$+".gmf")
'ScaleEntity Car,Vec3(2,0.5,4)

Local CarBody:TBody=CreateBodyBox(2,0.5,4)
moveentity carBody, vec3(0,-0.2,0)
SetBodyMass CarBody, CarMass
EntityParent Car,CarBody
entitytype carbody, 3
Global vehicle:TVehicle=CreateVehicle(CarBody)
SetBodyFriction(carBody, 0.5, 0.5)
' Asetellaan renkaat
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(FRightTirePosX, FRightTirePosY, FRightTirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper) 'oikea etu
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(BRightirePosX, BRightirePosY, BRightirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper) ' oikea taka
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(FLeftTirePosX, FLeftTirePosY, FLeftTirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper) ' vasen etu
AddVehicleTire(vehicle, Vec3(BLeftTirePosX, BLeftTirePosY, BLeftTirePosZ),tireradius,suspensionlength,springconstant,springdamper) ' vasen taka
SetBodyMass CarBody, CarMass
EntityType CarBody,2
' Create visible tires on tire places
Local tiremesh:TMesh[4]
Local tirebody:TBody[4]
For Local i:Int=0 To 3
tirebody[i]=CreateBodyCylinder( TireRadius, TireWidth )
entitytype tirebody[i], 2



And later in loop:

For Local ii:Int=0 To 3
Turnentity tiremesh[ii],vec3(0,0,90)
Turnentity tirebody[ii],vec3(0,0,90)
scaleentity tiremesh[ii], vec3(TireRadius,TireWidth,TireRadius)
scaleentity tirebody[ii], vec3(TireRadius,TireWidth,TireRadius)

Windows 7 Ultimate | Intel Core i7 930 @ 2.80 ghz | Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 | Leadwerks 2.5 | Blitzmax

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