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Play current scene


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In the editor it would be cool if we could play the actual scene loaded too (by adding another Play button), instead of only being allowed to run the full (compiled) project. I think this is a must have feature especially for level designers, currently he has to wait for the programmer to add the code/script to load the new scene (compile and send the EXE to the designer).

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I'm vote a +1. I do everything in code but hoping to do more level designing as it would be a pain to design these levels in code (but not impossible).

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i don't understand. If i press play in the editor it already starts the current map i have open in the editor.


thats the reason why the default code uses System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map");


i think you could also just start the exe with a parameter -map

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i don't understand. If i press play in the editor it already starts the current map i have open in the editor.


thats the reason why the default code uses System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map");


i think you could also just start the exe with a parameter -map


The answer is exactly in your sentence: it starts the map that you're loading from the C++ project, not the scene you're currently viewing in the editor (that is if you're creating a new scene, not "start.map", you cannot run it in the editor until you change your C++ code). Starting the EXE with parameter is simply not an option, since you have to open a prompt console to execute, while it should logically be done from inside the editor itself. Also take for example your artist is doing the level 2 of your game, with the current workflow he will need to play the game from start and complete successfully level1 before he can see the new work-in-progress level, "oooops I put that object in the wrong place/rotation" so quit the debugger, apply the patch and again have to play the game from start and so on... definitely not feasible for a team work (and neither for one-man, in my opinion, too much steps to only see how your new scene is rendering).



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Just reread my post please.


Since it loads the correct map when i press play in the editor the Editor must be already adding the parameter -map with the correct path to the file.

So you only need to use System::GetProperty at the correct place where you want to load the map and it will automatically load the correct map from the editor.

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So you only need to use System::GetProperty at the correct place where you want to load the map and it will automatically load the correct map from the editor.


Well, at this point I think your meaning of "automatically" is far from mine...


If you take care of my written words then you'll get what I'm suggesting here is: avoid workarounds, avoid scripting and avoid changing source code or exit the editor for something that should logically be there.


There's no need for you to fight a perfectly logical request with workarounds, I am definitely not a hobbyist, I am a business company not for love or hobby, and if I wanted to go through workarounds then I would have gone for open source, don't you think? wink.png


I don't think this request is so odd, and the reason why I am still here after 3 years is because I would like to support LE and help as I can to push it to the other big stars, else there wouldn't be any point for me to be still here since I already own other much higher-priced licenses too rolleyes.gif


However this is my suggestion, let's stop this flame between us and leave to Josh the faculty to accept or decline, I can perfectly live with the current workflow, but since this is SUGGESTION forum then I like to suggest what could be useful.



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Sorry. it was not meant as a flame.


In my opinion this is no workaround at all.


There is no automatism in developing a game. If you want to load a map in a special way you need to do it on your own.

That there is already an inbuild way to do this is just a convinience.


I only suggested that you just implenent this single line into your level loading code and you would be good to go to have your requested loading automatism for your level designers. The Editor is already adding the -map parameter to the executable you created.

If you do not add that parameter to your executable when executing you will just start the first map.


If you follow the way it is already coded in the template sourcecode you wouldn't need to change code for every map that should be loaded from inside the map editor.

Edited by beo6
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