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Animation Bones IK

Chris Paulson

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I lost track of this thread.


There are helper functions that convert Quats to Euler Angles, among other things. I did not implement conversions because that is up to the end user. Internally it makes calls to STL math functions that take radians, however, the actual parameters a Quat stores aren't Euler Angles in either degree or radian form, so the difference wouldn't exit. The only time you need to deal with Rad/Deg conversion is with the Euler Angles To/From.


Glad to hear you got it working. I haven't been very involved lately due to some school stuff.

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I read this on the Raydium website (a great engine to learn how to write engines btw), and I kinda understood for the first time how to use quaternions:

2.27 void raydium_math_quaternion_multiply(float *q1, float *q2, float *result):

Multiply two quaternions and fill the result with the resulting quaternion.

Quite usefull for making rotations over quaternions.

Here a list of common quaternions:


1,0,0,0 Identity quaternion, no rotation

0,1,0,0 180' turn around X axis

0,0,1,0 180' turn around Y axis

0,0,0,1 180' turn around Z axis

sqrt(0.5),sqrt(0.5),0,0 90' rotation around X axis

sqrt(0.5),0,sqrt(0.5),0 90' rotation around Y axis

sqrt(0.5),0,0,sqrt(0.5) 90' rotation around Z axis

sqrt(0.5),-sqrt(0.5),0,0 -90' rotation around X axis

sqrt(0.5),0,-sqrt(0.5),0 -90' rotation around Y axis

sqrt(0.5),0,0,-sqrt(0.5) -90' rotation around Z axis

TODO: Those could be added like defines

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They are more complex than that, since the W component can be imaginary.


The beauty of quaternions is:


x^2 == y^2 == z^2 == x*y*z == -1

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csharp.png Expert cpp.png Professional lua_icon.png Expert BMX Programmer



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  • 1 month later...

Okay, i worked around your IK (great, Chris), but i want to know discuss some details.

I see, that on the ground it works perfect, as on 1st picture... But on the not-plane surface, looking like IK ignores its shape.


On the left picture, it works good, but on the right - ignores surface.



Working on LeaFAQ :)

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Good job at getting my code working so far.


The IK stuff needs at lot more work on it to get it working. It needs to the following: -


predict the next foot placement

do a line pick on it

Work out a height to place model/hips

IK adjust both feet to meet correct floor height (determined by line pick)


I halted work on IK stuff to get the blend tree code working, as this would effect the next foot placement.


The first picture is showing a bug as it says the stance is "unknown", I have already fixed this bug in the animation analysis code.



I really didn't think you'd get your head around my code so fast, amazing.

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Thanks, it wasn't good time to cut it from recast and so on ;)

Anyway, i just launched your code, i still dont know, how 70% of it works, but i'm going to manage with it. Also, i'm going to search more info about IK: i have a thought that your dividing to cycles is a bit too complicated.

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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