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Navmesh Glitch


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There seems to be a problem that occurs sometimes in navmesh generation where a path is cut off when it should not be. I have attached three screenshots from the editor.



To recreate, you can just add some obstacles and move them around until it occurs.

It looks like it is related to the origin of the map (0,0) as can be seen in screenshot 3




This can be fixed by manually playing around in the editor and slightly moving the obstacle, however in something like a tower defence, where the player can place towers anywhere it will block the path, and break the game.




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There are a ton of optional variables we can set in the pathfinding code. I didn't want the user to have to tune the settings, so I chose the settings that worked most of the time. However, an occasional glitch like this does not surprise me.


If you can upload any maps that produce the error I will use them in the future to adjust the settings more finely and try to reduce errors.

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hey josh I don't know if this would be possible but could it be so that the ones with the least errors are default and then when things need to be changed the user can open an advanced navigation window and the user changes the settings themselves. After setup, might make take a little off your workload. Again not sure if possible, and it is your software.

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