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Leadwerks 3 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


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[unofficial] Leadwerks 4 FAQ


If you come across anything that is incorrect or would like to suggest something that can be added to thi FAQ, please leave a comment.



Documentation and Tutorials


Command reference: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/

User guide: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/



Community wiki: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/

Youtube tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=leadwerks+tutorials



Platforms and pricing


What is the difference between Leadwerks Game Engine vs Professional Edition?

Leadwerks 4.0 is the standard product your purchase on Steam. If you want to be able to make games with C++ you can buy the "Leadwerks Game Engine: Professional Edition" as a DLC on Steam. In order for the DLC to work you need to be in possession of the Leadwerks Game Engine on Steam.


Is there a demo/trial version of Leadwerks?

Yep. For Windows and Linux on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/251810/,


What kind of games can I make with Leadwerks?

Technically: every possible game you can think of. Shooters, Strategy, platformers, race, sport. You can even make 2D games, although the engine is more meant for 3D games.


How many games can I publish with 1 Leadwerks license?

As many as you want. There is no limit.


Do I have to pay royalties?

No. You also don't have to display a splash screen.


Which platforms does the Leadwerks engine support?

Leadwerks works on for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu).

On the roadmap: MacOs http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1793-hello-mac/


Do I need Steam in order to purchase/use Leadwerks?



Which program languages are supported?

  • The "Leadwerks engine" supports Lua scripting.
  • The "Leadwerks engine: professional edition" add C++ to the available languages. You can use either Lua, C++ or a combination of Lua/C++ when you have this add-on.

What IDE should I use?

C++ on Windows: Visual Studio Community 2013:



C++ on Linux: Code::Blox:



For Lua you can use the integrated editor (debugging support) or any other text editor. Note that external tools can't make use of the debugger options.


Which features are planned for Leadwerks 4 in 2016?

  • Networking support
  • Paid workshop items
  • AAA content. high quality official paid items

Note that while some of these are intended to be released in 2016, Josh, the developer of the engine, makes no explicit promises on when and if they will be added to the engine.


See this blog for some extra information: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1596-2016-plans/


Which version of OpenGL does the engine use?

OpenGL 4.0 is used for the engine as of Leadwerks 3.3.


Which physics engine is used for Leadwerks 4?

Newton Dynamics 3.0. http://www.newtondynamics.com/


Can I make a terrain with the Leadwerks editor

Yes you can. The leadwerks editor has an integrated terrain creator and terrain painting editor. You can also import and export terrains as .raw or .r16 files. The following terrain scales are supported:

  • 256 x 256
  • 512 x 512
  • 1024 x 1024
  • 2048 x 2048
  • 4096 x 4096

Can I make multiple terrains in 1 scene?



Can I place vegetation with the terrain editor?



Are there any sample projects that come with the editor?

The Leadwerks engine comes with a tutorial project called 'MyGame'. There are several maps that you can open to see various game play tests.


Does Leadwerks 4 have any build in GUI support?

Not yet, but Josh is working on it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1762-a-first-look-at-leadwerks-gui-on-linux/


Does Leadwerks 4 have any build in Networking support?




Steam workshop

Can I use all assets in the asset store for my (commercial) game?

Yes. The license of the Leadwerks Steam workshop states that everything that can be downloaded is royalty free unless stated otherwise. This means you can use all models, texturs, sounds, scripts and shaders in your commercial project without having to pay for it. Although it is not required we do encourage to give credit to those who earn it.


Can I upload paid items to the workshop?

Yes. Have a look here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/workshop-r11#section5




When I publish my game, a different scene is loaded then the one opened in the editor. Why is that?

Running your game from the editor loads the map that is opened in the editor. When published, the map is loaded you have specified in main.lua. You can find this file in the root of your project.


Can I publish my games to Steam?

Yes. There are 2 possible options:

  • Steam Store. You can sell the games via the Steam store if you get your game greenlit. You can publish the game via the editor and you will get an output folder containing all the executables and data.
  • Leadwerks Game Player. The game player is a tool that every Steam user can download. You can upload your Lua game (C++ is not allowed) directly to the Leadwerks Game Player. This is a great way for users to get a quick look at your game and to gain some fans of your work. Note that the Leadwerks Game Player does not feature paid games.

Do I have to publish my game to Steam?

No. During the publishing of your game, you get the option to publish as a standalone project. Which means you distribute your game to other channels like GOG or Origin.




How do I import models, textures and sounds in the editor?

The editor does this for you automatically. As soon as you drag items in the editor or in the project folder, the editor will detect the changes and import them for you. If you edit textures, models or sound in an external program, the editor will also pickup these changes and re-import them automatically.



Textures are automatically converted to the tex format.

  • jpg
  • png
  • dds
  • bmp
  • tga
  • psd


Models are automatically converted to the mdl format.

  • fbx


  • wav

Can I export my CSG brushes?

You can save CSG brushes as a prefab but you can not export you CSG brushes as fbx, obj etc. This has been requested though but is not confirmed to be part of the editor.




I cannot drag any textures on my models. Why is this?

You have to create materials in order to see textures on models. Simply right click on a texture in the asset browser and select 'Generate material'. You can also 'batch generate' materials via the tools menu.




How do I make my game FullScreen?

Have a look here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/window/windowcreate-r462

Edited by AggrorJorn
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  • 6 months later...

Polymesh doesn't work for my model. When I apply this to the model (which is a simple square tunnel with walls and floor and ceiling) I still fall straight through. However. When I put the FPS Controller ontop of the model I am able to walk on the top of it and can walk away from it on an invisible floor for quiet a good few meters until I go off the edge of that and start to fall. Don't know whats causing this, I made the model in 3D Coat and when I originally brought it into the game engine it was very big in scale so I had to size it down using the FPS Controller as a reference to make my tunnel a good size to fit the FPS Controller inside.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How many games can I publisch with 1 Leadwerks license?




Which platforms does the Leadwerks engine support?

3.1 currently only works for Windows. Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android will follow.

3.0 works on Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS


Should mention OUYA, while it's "just" another android machine it differs by having a controller rather than touch based interface.



Which version of OpenGL does the engine use?

The current version uses OpenGL 2.0. OpenGL 4.0 will be supported as of 3.1



Should be

The current version uses OpenGL 2.0. OpenGL 4.0 will be required as of 3.1





Is there a free to use version for Leadwerks.1 3?


"3.1" wink.png~


What media formats are supported?


Here should properly be a mention of the (yet to be) made blender integration



And finally a few words on upgrades as that seems to be a popular question

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Linux Mint 17 ( = Ubuntu 14.04 with cinnamon desktop ) Ubuntu 14.04, AMD HD 6850, i5 2500k

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  On 6/28/2013 at 8:58 PM, Aggror said:

Can I upgrade to a different version of the Leadwerks engine?

Updates are currently not available for 3.0 to 3.1 or Indie edition to normal edition. Is has been mentioned that it will be available but an official statement has not been made.



As for the comparison between C++ and Lua. Perhaps in the long run C++ might have more performance. However, your game needs to be so big that as indie game developer you are probably not going to reach such a game size. For your average indie game, it will make no difference.

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  On 1/14/2013 at 5:10 AM, Josh said:

LE2 used Newton 2, Leadwerks 3 is using Newton 3. Both the library and my implementation are better now. Scaled bodies are supported. Soft bodies are supported by Newton 3, but I have not implemented them yet, because they are lower-priority.

You are correct. I either made a typo or missread it at the time.


Thanks for reporting! :)

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  • 1 month later...

hey improve it a bit, ...


Does Leadwerks 3.1 have any build in Networking support?



Is it possible to create peer to peer in Leadwerks 3.1?



well I don't have proof but I've asked about it and I got positive responce.


but yes I do believe this has gotten forgot as I was searching for this and couldn't find it, ...


Also why isn't this pinned?

Learn to obey

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when you see very good tactic

sit back and think again.


Basics prince Zuko.

Basics are your greatest strength.

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  On 3/21/2014 at 1:26 PM, DudeAwesome said:

peer 2 peer integrated? dafuq? never heard about that.


use raknet for networking.


I didn't said integrated I said possible to make.


and yes most suggested using raknet.


why I would I add this is because in Unity 3D it's impossible to make p2p networking.

Learn to obey

before you command


when you see very good tactic

sit back and think again.


Basics prince Zuko.

Basics are your greatest strength.

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  On 3/21/2014 at 2:40 PM, Aggror said:

It is technically possible to do peer to peer networking (either using enet, raknet), but there is no official support for it yet.


The page will be updated with additional information once 3.1 has been released for the normal edition.


yes but not in Unity 3D

Learn to obey

before you command


when you see very good tactic

sit back and think again.


Basics prince Zuko.

Basics are your greatest strength.

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  • 1 month later...
Can I export my CSG brushes?

You can save CSG brushes as a prefab but you can not export you CSG brushes as fbx, obj etc. This has been requisted though but is not confirmed to be part of the editor.

Being nit-picky here, but requested is how you spell requested :) Useful FAQ though

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  • 2 months later...

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