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Confusing lua error


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I got the following lua error:

Script classname guimanager not found.


I had no idea what it meant. So I started reimporting my script, restarting editor, making new scripts and finally started removing parts of my script until I came across a simple mistake.

//3 values entered instead of 2
Script.pos = Vec2(300,50,0) --Vec2

The error message send me looking for a problem in a completely wrong direction.

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Ah, so I think what happened is the script failed to load. Strange that it didn't stop on that line. Were you running in debug mode?

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Fixed now, just update App.cpp with the new one I uploaded (in DA project and in templates/Lua folder).


Basically, the Invoke() function needed the error handler function index to be passed to it, so that Lua can stop execution in the middle of a script and send the call stack to the editor.


This will only work in debug mode, of course.



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