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i am trying to make a dinamic soler syatem in le edtor and have no idea how i would make a orbit falow a orbit that falowess a nother orbit that falows another orbt.


sun->plnet->moon->moon's moon


AC3D | 3D Canvas(pro) | Texture Maker(pro) | Genetica(basic) | 3D World Studio | Fragmotion |Leadwerks 2 | XNA 4 | Visual Studio 2010 Professional | XCode 5.x |UU3D Pro


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parent things to each other. Put a pivot in the center of the sun that is the parent to a planet. Then when you rotate that pivot the planet will go with it around the sun. Then put another pivot in the center of the planet and make that the parent to the moon and when you rotate that pivot the moon will do with it, etc etc. This will probably require some lua scripting though.

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ok i do that, thanks


AC3D | 3D Canvas(pro) | Texture Maker(pro) | Genetica(basic) | 3D World Studio | Fragmotion |Leadwerks 2 | XNA 4 | Visual Studio 2010 Professional | XCode 5.x |UU3D Pro


Programing & Scripting Languages:

C |C++ | C# | Obj-C | LUA | Javascript | PHP | Ruby

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The fact that the pivots are parented to the sun or the planets does not preclude having independant rotational speed of the satelite objects to the objects they are orbiting as you can develop maths fairly easily to rotate an object about a given point in space (i.e. the pivot points). However, as Laurens points out you wont get elliptical orbits using this method alone.


I had a play around with the idea of a solar pool game in the early days of Leadwerks and had planets on a pool table with orbiting satelites that you could roll down the table as the moons revolved on a constant plane.


[edit] I found a vid I made of it at the time:


Old Solar Pool Demo


I abandoned it at the time because of problems with the physics and moved onto other things.

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Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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by paranting a planet to the pivot of the sun would keep the planet from spinning right? You would get a planet orbiting the sun but with only one side facing the sun at all times correct?

maybe a way to solve this would be to place a pivot in the sun, a pivot in the planet, and ball socket the planet to it's pivot? Thus you could in addition rotate the planet as it is orbiting the sun?

I could be wrong, perhaps making no sense, and perhaps it would be better to use animated textures to make the planet "look" like it is rotating instead.

Anyways that was my thoughts on the matter.

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Win7: 3.4GHz i7, 16Gb RAM DDR3, Radeon HD 6970 2048MB

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