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We are aware that LE3 is a mega amount of work,specially with next upgrade, Linux, and all platform bugs also.

And not all suggestions can be taken account indeed.


But i agree with Agrorr.

Even refining some stuff would only benefit Leadwerks 3, it's from tiny details sometimes that some programs make that people love them wink.png

For example i use Blender mainly, but i switch often to Silo, caus it is better in terms or manipulation/gizmos, its' more fluid viewport, faster, a pleasure to use.


LE3 have missing general stuff, even some essential if you make a serious bigger levels.

Using different even open source 3D engine editor, is that an important factor can be how you are easy, and have fun with the editor.

Comparable to Blender and Sketchup, lot of people will have fun and will make good stuff with Sketchup, and Blender will remain for skilled people and 3D aware people laugh.png


Some 3D engines, know that and made efforts to become more intuitive, more easy to implement basic stuff (UDK matinee , Anarchy etc ... ), so they don't attract only 3D core people but also new comers.



I suggested Gizmos/camera etc ... but in response , it's like that and we must use it like that.

No problem on my side, but for people using LE3 only im' not sure this will be always ok ?


Perhaps some solutions :

1 ) Open editor : Could it be script or C++ or Lua , if the editor could open features to people , some of us could develop the missing suggestions. But it would resolve only more hight level missing features

2 ) Rating system, or before some upadte monthly put 5 to 10 suggestions that would be brong to next update, i mean suggestion not hard to implement could it be some select feature or snap feature or editor specific display etc ...


I would have an impossible suggestion laugh.png

LE3 to have a new modern interface with drag and drop features, panels we can drag anywhere, and custom panels.




I can't do more Agrror lol laugh.png

Already suggered stuff, but LE3 has it own strategy so try to do without suggestions for now.

Stop toying and make games

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We could classify suggestions as high-medium-low or something from our point of view, and Josh could prioritize them as well from his side

I like that idea of priority or needed a lot or less.

I think perhaps there is not enought people using LE3 and asking features we are only some five or ten people to ask .

A lot of users are core programmers or don't even make a complex scene , so workflow can stay behind i think sad.png


Well indeed we can make some level without the suggestions we ask.

It will be just more long, less fast, less fun, sometimes borring.


- camera gizmo

- light gizmo

- better gizmos : these wireframe ones are hard to catch sometimes, we must concentrate lot more than bigger ones sad.png

- change rotation gizmo : more attention/concentration to figure what axe to click to turn the object around some axe

- Grouping BSP under groups : to avoid thousands of BSP stuff on the scene panel

- Group stuff by category under scene panel (BSP, static models, animated models, sounds etc ...)

- Select stuff by dragging a rectangle


Only some of these stuff si super basic and missing.


It seems the editor don't need more attention , and it should work the way old tools like Hammer works, why ?

We are in 2013, that's Crysis/Far Cry editor, Skyrim editor and it's modular 3D tiles.


BSP for prototyping or simple games yes, and for pure programmers : INDEED laugh.png

For complex optimized scenes (LOD) nope.

I don't like hammer and other BSP tools, i use BSP in LE3 for casual game, because i put simple walls and floors fast. If i target RPG terrain based, indeed , no more BSP, all will be models with LOD and dynamic lights, LOD shadows.

Yes the editor would deserve lot more attention and love smile.png


I can't say more, if the editor don't need more attention (it's one of the main features of LE3), well it's like that.

Some "hard work" people using LE2 have done some complete game or advanced simulation, so it's possible staying like that in LE3 apparently.

Stop toying and make games

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