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Physics functions


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Seeing some physic problems or missing stuff, i suggested : Bullet physics.


I really hope after next big update, it could be a new suggestion point for some future LE3 evolution :)

Bullet, is ways better than Newton, it's open source, stable used in AAA games , and have continuous detection better than some others.

Stop toying and make games

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Although I too wish for better physics, I really doubt we will get a different physics engine. Josh has put.this up for discussion a long time ago. And although most people either suggested bullet or physx, josh went with Newton. Replacing the current physics engine will probably not happen since it is a massive undertaking and there are other priorities.


That said: Newton is also opensource and reliable and has been used in aaa games. Amnesia and penumbra might the most famous ones. I don't think Newton is the problem either. There are unsolved bugs and perhaps something has gone wrong with integration in to leadwerks 3.

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