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Leadwerks 3 does not start


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I installed the trial version of Leadwerks 3 and I am not able to run the program.

I get the following message "EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION" and "Warning: OpenGL GLSL 210 or 120 are not supported."

How to solve this problem?


Below is a list of my system:


System Information Report



Sistema Operacional Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Basic

Central Processor Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T6400 @ 2.00GHz

Nome de Usuário Manuel


Adaptador de vídeo Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family

Memória de vídeo 448,00 MB

Resolução da tela 1440 x 900


Total Memória 2,99 GB

Memória livre 1,29 GB

total do disco rígido 109,21 GB

livre no disco rígido 16,28 GB


Mouse Dispositivo de interface humana USB

Teclado Teclado Padrão PS/2

Sistema do computador

Nome do Computador APACHE-PC

Nome de Usuário Manuel

Organização N/A

Sistema Operacional

Nome Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Basic

Versão 6.0.6002

Service Pack 2.0

ID do Produto 89572-OEM-7332166-00096

Sistema tempo ligado 11/07/2013 10:29:13

Internet Explorer versão 9.0.8112.16421

Microsoft DirectX Versão 10.0

OpenGL Versão 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)


Tamanho máximo 682 MB

Tamanho Atual 29 MB

Estado OK

Central Processor

Nome da CPU Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T6400 @ 2.00GHz

Nome do Código Model 7, Stepping 10

Fabricante GenuineIntel

Velocidade do clock atual 2000 Mhz

Velocidade do clock Max 2000 Mhz

Tensão 3,3V

Clock Externo 200 Mhz

Número de série BFEBFBFF0001067A

CPU ID x64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10

Designação socket Microprocessor

N/A 32 KB

N/A 2048 KB

Placa Mãe

Modelo 0D109D

Fabricante Dell Inc.

Número de série .38M9LJ1.BR1083492J5VUS.

Nome da BIOS Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A16

BIOS Fornecedor Dell Inc.

SMBIOS Versão A16

Data da BIOS 16/10/2008

recursos da BIOS

ISA is supported Sim

PCI is supported Sim

PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported Sim

Plug and Play is supported Sim

BIOS is Upgradable (Flash) Sim

BIOS shadowing is allowed Sim

Boot from CD is supported Sim

Selectable Boot is supported Sim

Int 13h - 3.5 / 720 KB Floppy Services are supported Sim

Int 5h, Print Screen Service is supported Sim

Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services are supported Sim

Int 14h, Serial Services are supported Sim

Int 17h, printer services are supported Sim

Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video Services are supported Sim

ACPI supported Sim

USB Legacy is supported Sim

AGP is supported Sim

Smart Battery supported Sim

Recurso de memória

Total Memória 2,99 GB

Memória Usado 1,70 GB

Memória livre 1,29 GB

Uso da Memória 56%

Memória Física

Banco de Memória N/A

Descrição Physical Memory 0

Localizador de dispositivo DIMM_A

Capacidade 2,00 GB

Velocidade 800 Mhz

Fabricante AD00000000000000

Largura de dados 64 bit

Tipo de memória DDR

fator do formulário DIMM

Memória Física

Banco de Memória N/A

Descrição Physical Memory 1

Localizador de dispositivo DIMM_B

Capacidade 1,00 GB

Velocidade 800 Mhz

Fabricante AD00000000000000

Largura de dados 64 bit

Tipo de memória DDR

fator do formulário DIMM



Adaptador de vídeo

Nome Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family

Processador de Vídeo Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family

Fabricante Intel Corporation

Video Arquitetura VGA

Tipo de DAC Internal

Tamanho da memória 448,00 MB

Tipo de memória Unknown

Modo Vídeo 1440 x 900 x 4294967296 colors

Taxa de Atualização Atual 59 Hz

Versão do Driver

Data do Driver 06/03/2008 07:58:12

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Hi! I have problem with trial version of Leadwerks 3

I have EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error on core i7-3520M, intel HD4000, Windows 7 64 bit. It happens after editor has been started when I clicking on the welcome window. All precompilled examples are running normaly. Log have "no errors". Fresh versions of intel graphics driver and openal are installed.

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Your intel HD 4000 is probably the problem. It should work on that (you may need to upgrade your drivers), but there may be a load of rendering bugs. Intel isn't that great when it comes to Open GL, which is what Leadwerks uses. The best intel can offer for graphics is almost as good as a load of doggy doo doo...

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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On my laptop, that have two chips : Intel + Radeon

Before i had the good software , only Intel was processing, it was super slow with the game Tera , but at least i could all shaders and advanced graphics.

So yes , not fast, not enougth powerfull, but Intel chip supports all shaders and advanced graphic features on my LapTop.


Like you said, it must be specific OpenGl LE3 uses i guess.

Stop toying and make games

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left2dead 2 on my intel HD4000 feels good on middle options both on Windows and linux with full HD.

I tried LeadWerks 2.4. There are bugs of rendering, causes impossibility of working, but no EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.


Is anyone here who have successful start of Leadwerks 3 on Intel HD4000?

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