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Getting Started with Leadwerks 3


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Is there a thread on how to go over the hurdles of installing Leadwerks 3?


1. You can't just click on the play button to run Darkness Awaits. I found you have to compile it elsewhere.

2. Then it can't find Leadwerks.h.

3. Then, after you fix that, it can't find ../../Leadwerks.h.


So where's the real Getting Started info that covers all of these?


Also, it seems to me that the trial set up the environment for you. What happened to that? Is there a conflict because I had the trial installed before?

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The reason we have to have that specific directory is due to Android. The Android build chain does not allow paths with spaces in the name, and has some other funny restrictions.

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I figured something along those lines. The only thing I could suggest is mentioning that here:


Something like: Due to Android restritictions, it is highly advisable to keep the installation path as C:\Leadwerks. This ensures that your projects compile and publish without errors.

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