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Flythrough in le 2


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could any one help I am trying to make a flythrough in le 2 I place camera nodes in the scene but when I try to get start here true to enable I have it enabled in properties but can not get it show in start here is there some key you have to press so it will appear in start here box. if any one could tell me about a tutorial thank you

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In Editor's main menu


Tools -> options -> Paths -> GameScript -> select "flythrough.lua"

Press Apply, Close


Put at least 2 camera nodes in scene (better more)


Open 1st camera node properties and in CameraNode rollout Start here put "1"


Now Apply props


Hold Alt key and press and drag cursor from 1st node to second on your path (creates link between them)

Next do same with 2nd and 3rd nodes and so on


Press gamepad button in toolbar.


Ufff, it's not so handy how it supposed to be smile.png But works.

"Better" is big enemy of "good"

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