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Player falling "into" floor on move


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Have a player created from a pivot added to my map via the editor with these physics properties set:


Physics: Character Controller
Mass: 1.0
Collision: Character


And a floor underneath, a box with these physics properties set:


Physics: Rigid Body
Shape: Box
Shape size: (Fit Shape)
Mass: 0.0
Collision: Scene


When running the game, the player falls a few feet and lands on top of the floor correctly. However, once I move in any direction or rotate greater than +/- 45º or so on the y-axis, the player instantly warps into the floor, moving from a y-position of 0.273252 to 0.001953.


Any ideas why?


Here's my player script:


function Script:Start()
   self.camera = Camera:Create()

function Script:Move()
   local w = window:KeyDown(Key.W) and 1 or 0
   local a = window:KeyDown(Key.A) and 1 or 0
   local s = window:KeyDown(Key.S) and 1 or 0
   local d = window:KeyDown(Key.D) and 1 or 0

   return Vec3(d - a, 0, w - s):Normalize()

function Script:Look()
   local mouse = window:GetMousePosition()

   local center = Vec2(context:GetWidth() / 2, context:GetHeight() / 2)
   window:SetMousePosition(center.x, center.y)

   return Vec3(mouse.y - center.y, mouse.x - center.x, 0)

function Script:UpdatePhysics()
   local move = self:Move()
   local look = self:Look()

   look   = look + self.camera:GetRotation()
   look.x = Math:Clamp(look.x, -85, 85)

   self.entity:SetInput(look.y, move.z, move.x, move.y)


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