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Specular map not working 2 :


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Well this si same as first post:



The specular texture bitmap is not taken account even with last update.


Example test : he white parts on specular map (belt and others) just have no specular effect in 3D view



After readin shader code , it's normal cau there is no specular texture taken account (no sampler2D texture)

uniform sampler2D texture0;//diffuse map
uniform sampler2D texture1;//light map
uniform vec4 materialcolorspecular;


vec4 color_specular = materialcolorspecular;
lighting_specular += pow(clamp(-dot(lightreflection,nscreencoord),0.0,1.0),20.0) * attenuation * lightspecular[i]; 



Even shadmar help didn't made it on the old post.




Wo we need some shader Guru laugh.png

(Even if it is not so hard to to as there is lot of specular examples over internet)

Stop toying and make games

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Two things:

  1. The goblin material does not use the specular shader.
  2. The goblin material has a specular color of 0,0,0,0. There's not really any reason for this, so I changed it to 1,1,1,1, though it still uses the plain normal map material without specular reflection. You can change this by setting the material's shader to diffuse+normal+specular.shader.



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