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Starting to develop indie-horror game (Windows)


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Hello guys!


I'm all new to these forums, but so far it's quite promising and I see a lot of happy and optimistic people here!


I've been making plenty of maps on the Source Engine and been messing around with Unreal, Unity and Cry Engine as well. I finally found a engine that reminds me of my number one favorite - the Source Engine, and therefore I ordered a copy of Leadwerks 3 almost immediatly.


For a couple of years I've been developing a lot of server content with a couple of people I've met, and finally we have decided to push ourselves a bit and actually start on something big - therefore we are going to start on this project.


We have only been brainstorming a bit, discussing engines, theme and atmosphere so far, and it really seems like we are going to head for the horror theme.


The team (so far) is consisting of a story-writer, 1 modeler/2d artist, 1 coder who will be on and off the project (busy with Unity), and me as a mapper, and some people going on and off with the project, providing us with some help.


If YOU don't have anything to do, and is simply messing around with this engine, feel free to send me a private message to join in on our project, or simply want to hear some information about it, either it be simply interest, or maybe because you would be interesting in developing with us.


Once we've gotten a few screenshots together, I'll make sure to post it in the "showcase" category!

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