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Hello all - new to the forums, and so a few ubernovice questions. I did a lot of Google searching, but I'm unsure of what information pertains to versions of Leadwerks prior to 3.0... Hoping a forum dweller might be able to help me sort it out. Sorry if I missed a FAQ somewhere.



I'm a game designer and gameplay content scripter, currently using Corona SDK (and hence, Lua). I've used Lua a few other times, primarily with support from a programming team working in C++ or Objective-C, and shooting me Lua scripts from time to time. This time I'm planning to work on a project solo - with a little support from a contract programmer. I am attracted to Leadwerks due to the comprehensive Lua scripting tutorials on the youtube and the web (albeit for Leadwerks v2.3).


I just wanted to ask a few questions pertaining to Lua support and more recent Lua scripting documentation for Leadwerks v3.0


- can a complete game be created with Lua script? No C++ required? For all supported platforms?

- are scripts still compiled into .luac (and are there any other obfuscation tools available?)

- can I create and/or heavily modify first and third person controllers from Lua? (I will be creating a 'floating' first-person character that turns freely but 'snaps' to face in the direction of compass headings.

- my enemies require pathfinding that uses floor, ceiling and walls. Is this possible with default pathfinding and navmeshes? And accessible from Lua?


Thanks for any info that you folks can provide. Even better if you can point me to extensive Lua docs for v3.0!!!


[edit] Are the old v2.3 Lua tutorials on youtube still relevant? They are very extensive!

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I also use Lua only with Leadwerks 3.


-Yes you can make a complete game using Lua.

-For character controller, you can control it from Lua as you use same functions as C++, and control speed, direction, jumping

To float, perhaps putting physic Mass to 0 should work,i don't tried it.

-Pathfinding only requires one function call in Lua (like C++),it's super easy to use

pathfinding, will work like normal other pathfinding systems : your enemies will avoid walls and will find the best way to reach some point you give to the function like the player position for example.



The doc reference is writtent for Lua and C++ each time, and it has some example code you can copy and test, you can find it here :



You have lot f overy good video tutorials here, simple to understand that covers Lua (mainly those made by Aggror)


Stop toying and make games

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Codeape and YouGroove - thanks for the info! I saw the Leadwerks 3 Lua video from Aggror, that's what really hooked me. I then searched and found a bunch of other Lua vids from Aggror, but they were for v2.3. Do you know if these videos are still relevant, or are they too outdated?




There is a lot of info in them.

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@Aggror - gotcha.


So then the video listed above (Leadwerks 3 Tutorial #10) is the only Lua training video for v3.0? It appears all recent training vids are C++ with Lua script files hosted on Werkspace.


If I'm correct, watching the C++ training and reviewing the appropriate Lua file would seem to be my best option...

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  On 9/28/2013 at 10:39 PM, gamedev123 said:

Hey, does the license allow for SINGLE USER simultaneous installs on desktop and laptop - without having to go through activation/deactivation toggling...? I have a PC at work, but use a Macbook at home on the weekends...

Yes, that's fine.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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