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Purchased model reversed


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I use the character controll MoveToPoint() on a model I've purchased. However, when it moves it points backwards. Is there anything I can do within LE only to fix this? I know I can resize models in the model editor but I can't see anything for rotating them. That would be pretty cool if we could do that, but doesn't help me now. Do I have any options within LE?

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Doesn't seem to work. I place in the model, resize it, rotate on y by 180, set it's physics as character controller, give it a mass of 5 and collision of character controller, add my script and save as prefab. Then I add the prefabs and they still walk backwards using GoToPoint().

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strange... i can change the goblin model's rotation in the demo and save it as another prefab, place it in the scene, and the goblin is moving in the direction of its local +z axis. Also i can change the rotation of the character by adjusting the poorly named 'Character' parameter under the Physics tab - located right below the 'Collision Type' parameter (which might not exist anymore as its not listed in the documentation).

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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It worked for me on the goblin too. I do the same steps on this Bison model and it still walks backward. I thought maybe I rotated by 180 the first time and didn't realize it, but I just did the same steps with 180 for Y value and 0 for Y value and it's the same result of them walking backwards.

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