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Geometry and tessellation stages


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Will those stages be available in the shader editor of 3.1?


And, while I'm at it: Has anybody experience with using the tessellation shader for heightmap displaced terrains? I guess instead of sending the patches to the GPU they would be tessellated right there to decrease the amount of data that has to be sent over. Is there are noticeable performance benefit from that?

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Yes, 3.1 has two additional tabs for the control and evaluation shaders. I have read conflicting things over whether geometry shaders are uniformly supported, and haven't messed around with them yet.


The savings on terrain rendering would be that instead of 5 different LOD versions being processed, the tessellator can take care of the LOD, so the patches don't have to be sorted into separate batches by LOD.


I have found it's best to use a tessellation multiplier value and then use the entity distance from the camera to adjust tessellation. This works better than doing a per-primitive approach.



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