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Me and the render loop


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wub.png Noob alert... I still haven't grasped how to work with the render loop. As an example, I have integrated shadmar's skybox from http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7452-skybox-in-30-a-simple-example-with-shader/ into my C++ code. I put all that code in App::Start(), and everything works. Fine.


Now, I would like to move the skybox with the camera. But when I move the lines




into the App::Update() method, the skybox isn't displayed, no matter if it's before or after world->Update() and world->Render(). Why is that? Is it because the buffer is cleared before the render loop? Why doesn't that affect stuff done in Start()? Do I have to use the DrawHook() to get the skybox into the render loop? If so, how can I affect the drawing order (or shouldn't I)? Sigh..

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In shadmar's code the skybox is created with coordinates (-0.5, 0.5, 0) etc., the camera has range 1000 so the box should be half of the camera range.


wub.png I forgot about the parenting, so i don't actually have to do that. And my code means the skybox is scaled again every frame - no wonder i can't see it...

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