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Asset Browser not working after saving of a prefab.


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I was trying to make a prefab to ease the creation of a building in my project. I created, using the cube, a ceiling a wall and a window. I saved it as a prefab, the editor saved it. When looking at the asset browser it will not show any of the prefabs. The editor will report it failed to load the thumbnail. If there was a mdl in the same folder, the icon will not show up either, but if you guess where it would be you can drag the mdl or prefab to the scene.


video of it happening https://mega.co.nz/#!FclRyKQA!G3GggmI2czM9gn-YnSWBWXEMz1FcXYzGbV6ooNjYbRM

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Yeah, it was a simple fix. Basically, when prefabs are loaded, they are an entity that isn't associated with any world. The engine was trying to set the entity's world ambient light from the prefab file (prefabs are actually just map files with a single top-level entity.)

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