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bullet holes (decals)?


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Odd, I see a C++ example. Pasted from the wiki (and note that this is for Leadwerks 2):


TPick _Picked;
CameraPick( &_Picked, Camera ( framework camera here ), Vec3(GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2, 100), 0);

TMesh _Decal = CreateDecal(_Picked.surface, TFormPoint(Vec3(_Picked.X, _Picked.Y, _Picked.Z), NULL, _Picked.entity), 20.0/16.0, 32);

EntityParent(_Decal , _Picked.entity, 0);
PaintEntity(_Decal , LoadMaterial("abstract::bullethole.mat"));

AddMesh(_Decal , _Picked.entity);


My bigger concern was not finding an example for Leadwerks 3. Also, since you're not a developer I know you have restricted access to the forums but I'm pretty sure there were a few threads out there about it.

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  On 12/5/2013 at 9:00 PM, MexMaster said:

Note the link path, it has "le2" so I suppose this documentation is for LE 2.x not for 3.x (and yes LE2 was C, or better it was BlitzMax compiled DLL if I remember well, while the C++ version was just a wrapper around the C functions). We haven't the old T* types, like TMesh in the example posted on that page. I don't find anything about decals and surfaces for Leadwerks 3.



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  On 12/10/2013 at 3:18 PM, beo6 said:

You could of course until then create your own decals.

The most simple solution would be a plane square that is aligned to the surface of the object that got hit.

That's what I would recommend for now. It can be easily replaced later and doesn't take much work.

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