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New LE 3 tournament


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Well second tournament , that was less restrictive than last one had lot of success.

(I really enjoyed the "green flask" game)


We should make another even without prizes, just for the glory to have some rank and screenshots posted.

I mean another based on ideas like "wood structures" for example , this could lead ot any game :

- wood houses: each house you enter will have a monster to fight or a treasure or some healt, or money

- wood cylinder physic game

- wood targets in some FPS game

- wood platforming game

etc ...


The advantage of "Mini" tournament like that is that you just spend the time you want, you don' t have any pressure or whatever, and a general theme si also less restrictive you can be more creative.


So just bring on ideas here for a new LE3 tournament named : "Before 3.1" wink.png

Stop toying and make games

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