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Problems with Trial on OSX


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I downloaded the Trial with OSX8 and create a lua project.


I followed the tutorial:

Leadwerks 3 tutorial #10: Lua scripting, which is for Windows


I compiled using Xcode in debug, edited the profile for release and compiled. Everything worked except the App.lua file didn't get created.


So I created it myself using the same code as in the video with but when I run it, it runs the same as the debug version. It doesn't have no point of view there is no camera and doesn't set the camera when I add it. I assume it is not compiling the release as it should and it is not even looking for App.lua.


It is not really an issue as we plan on using it on Linux, not on Mac, which is the reason we will be switching to leadwerks, it doesn't affect our perception of the engine. I read in another thread that compiling will not be necessary anymore with OSX, it might just be for when we download the paid version.


The biggest issue I have is that all the documentation that is scarce and seem to be windows centric, which in most case is fine, but not for the install which will be OS specific. I really enjoy the video tutorial and they can take a huge amount of work. Please with the release of the Linux version have some Linux targeted documentation with installs and other OS specific procedure, even if it's just text and screenshots and not video. Text tutorials can even be more useful than video as you can copy paste code.


I would also ask Leadwerks users of all levels to post more on the internet to help others. Google doesn't return enough outside of the Leadwerks staff's work. I know we plan to do so.


It is a huge advantage for Leadwerks to be cross platform and I suspect a lot of people will jump ship to Leadwerks as we do (especialy with Steam OS now released), including a lot of newbies. As painful as documentation is to make, abundant documentation will greatly increase your success and adoption of your engine.


Thank you

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