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[steam] MSVCR100.dll is missing


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Seems that the exe is dependent on the 32-bit 2010 vcredist. Was getting "The Program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing" when I ran the exe directly. After I downloaded and installed the 32-bit 2010 redist it started behaving.


FWIW, I have a 2 week old 64-bit Win8.1 installation.

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Hello propjohn,


is it possible that you somehow skipped the "First Time Setup" from steam?

Which "First Time Setup"? Steam or Leadwerks?


The Steam client did "hang" during the initial update, but a reboot solved that. (Update reapplied itself). Leadwerks would just silently fail when launched via Steam. Launched directly it then popped the dialog complaining about MSVC100.dll.


AFAICT, Leadwerks is shipped with the 2013 redist and that was installed. I specifically had to install the 2010 redist. This might be an artifact of Windows 8 or the fact that my Windows is 64bit.


The frustrating thing is that it pretty much silently failed when lanched via Steam. Until I ran the app directly it had no clue what it was complaining about. (Maybe there's a log?)


Regardless... I'm functional. I raised this issue just in case other users run into the same problem.

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