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Entity specific collisions


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Morning all. I'll preface this with the always-worrying "I'm new to this but I'm learning" statement so you know what you're getting into.


Now, my problem is that I'm trying to write a lua collision script that only recognises a specific non-player object. I've got a part in the middle that we will call Lathe, and a hitbox around it. If I place a specific other part within that hitbox, let's call it Drill, I want the collision script to activate. I don't want it to activate for any other collision.


So...possible? I haven't had a vast amount of luck trying to modify the standard collision script, and can't find any obvious documentation on it.

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Thank you, that solved it! One problem down, several thousand unknown ones to go. Marvelous.


Edit: Well, it solved it as long as the selected entity is me. No luck with a selected box falling into it. Does the collision box default to only reacting to certain types of entity?

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What I do is define variables in each of my classes. I just call it something like:


Script.entityType = "Player"


Then on the other entity that I want to get a collision with, I just check what object type I'm colliding with:


if entity.script.entityType == "Player" then
 -- Do something

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If something that doesn't have that variable hits the script I think the script would give an error. Doing a check that the variable exists should help avoid that.


if entity.script.entityType ~= nil then
  if entity.script.entityType == "Player" then

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  On 1/10/2014 at 4:20 PM, Rick said:



If something that doesn't have that variable hits the script I think the script would give an error. Doing a check that the variable exists should help avoid that.


if entity.script.entityType ~= nil then
if entity.script.entityType == "Player" then


Good catch.

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