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[ScaleBug] FUSE to LE 3 Materials Problem


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I tried to use FUSE to get some Character Models and import them into LE3:Indie Edition.


The Fuse Demoversion works very well and allow you to export .obj with Textures.


For importing them into LE3 I used Autodesk FBX Converter 2013. The Models look pretty nice but they are very tall.


I created each Material and integrated the .tex Files from Fuse (diffuse, normal, specular) and used the shadow.shader and the diffuse+normal+specular.shader


this is my output:




this is what I created in the FUSE demoversion



is this a problem with the shaders? it looks not that good in my render output

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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Yeah something is wrong here.


I'm not sure if it is a requirement of 3.1 as you dont need to do it in 3.0, but your model doesn't look like it is a closed mesh. Correct me if I'm wrong but you may need to do this (just looking at the background shadows anyway).


Does your material have a diffuse texure in slot 1, normal map in slot 2, and spec map in slot 3 in it's material in LE? It could be a missing normal map in the material producing these weird results.


If you open up the model view do a calculate normals (available in the model viewer menu bar).

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thx for your answer shadmar but this will not work sad.png



this is my model i created



if you import it resize it to (0.01, 0.01, 0.01) its really tall




I created a material for each part (Skin, Pants, Shirt, Hair) and included my textures for






in the Texture Section


+ I included the Shaders from leadwerks in the Shader section


Shadow: shadow.shader (from shaders/model/shadow)

Shader: diffuse+normal+specular.shader (from shaders/model)



just looking at the background shadows anyway


when I just import the model and it has no materials the shadow is correct. when I drop my Materials on it the shadows look wrong like in my picture

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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ok this is strange:


when I drag and drop the Materials in the 3D perspective view from the world editor it looks bad. When I drag and drop it into the model Editor it looks how it should.


But it just looks nice in Model Editor in Worldview its still failed







It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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No problem with your model at all , i work with LE 3.0.




You put only two materials on your zip (and they didn't had no dynamic shader selected), i had to create other missing materials myself.

All your normals maps are ok.


In game :



Even rescaling model to 0.5 i didn't had any shader problem all is fine.


Some suggestion :

- Your specular maps are almost full black color, so they are useless as they will not make any effect in game.

So better use normal map and diffuse maps only and it's a faster shader than the one using specular.


A problem now :


- Eyebrows are solid polygons , looks bad when camera near, they should be separate polygons and use instead a diffuse alpha transparency shader.


Last point :



Your model is exported from a tool, not a modeled character from a 3D artist, so there is lot of unecessary polygons, quads would be better also.

If it is your main character i could say ok , it's next gen character, if you plan to use others characters in the scene i would recommend you to use (or buy) models with less polygons or you'll waste lot of processing power uselessly.


Example : Sintel character from Blender project : looks as good almost as yours , but uses lot less polygons, so more fluidity in game.



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Stop toying and make games

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You beat me to it =). if you scale the model in the editor this issue happens.



ahhh dammit, thats tricky i cant rescale models with FUSE is that a kind of Bug in LE3 or is that just a problem between the texture size and model scaling? So Fuse is kind of useless for me sad.png


just was looking for a fast model creator and fuse looked pretty nice


- Eyebrows are solid polygons , looks bad when camera near, they should be separate polygons and use instead a diffuse alpha transparency shader.


yeah looks like Edding MakeUp biggrin.png

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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You beat me to it =). if you scale the model in the editor this issue happens.


I tested rescaling your model in LE3 model editor and used it in game withour ANY PROBLEM.in Leadwerks 3.0, rescaling works great.

You must have some problem elsewhere ?

Stop toying and make games

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  On 1/11/2014 at 10:52 PM, YouGroove said:

I tested rescaling your model in LE3 model editor and used it in game withour ANY PROBLEM.in Leadwerks 3.0, rescaling works great.

You must have some problem elsewhere ?


mhmm when i rescale it ( with indie edition 3.1) its still wrong so I think its a Bug in 3.1?

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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This is a bug even on Leadwerks 3, in fact my re scale didn't worked well ,perhaps models not saved ?


I rescaled to 20% under model editor and the character normal map looks bad in the model editor already.



This is a general LE3 bug i think.


Very strange because rescaling at a value of 50% , it works great ??

Must be some LE3 problem with small scaling value like around 20%


Stop toying and make games

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yeah its a little bit confusing.



Your model is exported from a tool, not a modeled character from a 3D artist, so there is lot of unecessary polygons, quads would be better also.

If it is your main character i could say ok , it's next gen character, if you plan to use others characters in the scene i would recommend you to use (or buy) models with less polygons or you'll waste lot of processing power uselessly.


Example : Sintel character from Blender project : looks as good almost as yours , but uses lot less polygons, so more fluidity in game.


Is there a rule of thumb about how many polygons for chars or items are ok?


just wanted to create something and see how it works and how to import. I tried Blender but the Interface is really confusing. I dont like to buy models -> too expansive for my student moneybag biggrin.png but I´m looking for a software that has a good balance between handling, productivity and quality. Silo 2 looks nice I should give it a try. want to make everything by myself for the first time to learn




thx for help guys you are awesome!

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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Wow, that is disturbing. Good thing we have our live shader editor. This is exactly what I did, and it worked right away:


1. Open the material for her face and body.

2. Select the Shader tab in the Material Editor.

3. Press the Edit button next to the shader. The shader will be opened in the Shader Editor.

4. Select the Vertex shader in the left-hand panel.




5. On line 44 change it so the normal is being normalized. Press F5 and presto!



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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I decided not to patch this before I go to Steam Dev Days just because it's a bad idea to change anything right before I go out of town. However, the shader modification I demonstrated will work in 3.1 for all shaders that exhibit this error.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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