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FBX imports - Leadwerks auto deletes it seems


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Hi all, I am very new to Leadwerks.

I seem to be having a problem with exporting from 3ds max and importing into leadwerks.


The FBX export, seems to work correctly, no error messages or warnings.


When I import the FBX in Leadwerks, my model never appears. If I drag the FBX into my scene, and drop it over one of the view ports, in the dialogue window, it states that the model has been deleted straight after it imports.


I assume there's something basic going on here, that I don't understand. Could somebody please shed some light on this for me :)


Many thanks,


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I also don't know what the "Deleting model" message is supposed to mean, since the model actually won't be deleted. After the import you probably have to open the model in the model viewer (double-click on it) and then save it there. Also, sometimes you have to recalculated the normals (under the Tools menu in the model viewer).

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Yes, same for me:


Loading model "F:/Leadwerks/Projects/LargeTerrain/Terrain/tutorial4mesh.mdl"

Deleting model "F:/Leadwerks/Projects/LargeTerrain/Terrain/tutorial4mesh.mdl"

Loading model "F:/Leadwerks/Projects/LargeTerrain/Terrain/tutorial4mesh.mdl"


but the model should be there as a black, empty icon in the asset explorer, and you can open it by double-clicking on that. The model viewer might should an empty screen, but when you save it (possibly recalculate normals first) and re-open it it should be visible. Also, after saving the icon in the asset explorer should become an (untextured) white.

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Thanks for the replies :)


I can see the model in the asset list, however it only appears in the root list, not under and of the sub folders.


If i double click the model (it immediately had a shaded icon of the model) the viewer appears empty, however i can see the vertex and poly count, so I know it is actually there.


I tried re-calculating and then saving and re-opening, however its still empty. I also tried flipping the normals, and the same issue of nothing appearing applies. I can see that flipping is affecting the model, as the thumbnail changes according to the flip.


colour me confused :)

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Ok Ive figured it out I think, it appears.


If I have glass element, do they need to be sepeare objects, or does the whole environment need to be one mesh?


Im also confused on how to make my mesh have collision. I placed a character into the scene, but it just drops through the world lol :)

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OK, great!


I'm not sure what you want to do with your "glass element" - have a transparent glass in your scene? There's a special shader for that (see under Shaders->Effects).


Your model won't automatically have a collision mesh. Either let Leadwerks create one (Right-click->Generate..) or import one from your modeling tool. Also, you should set the collision type which determines which collision events your model "sees" (in your case Character).

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Oh I see, sorry I was looking at the Scene Tab, not the Assets tab. Many thanks :)


I chose Polymesh, and now have a .phy file. I assume i need to add that to the physics tab of the mesh properties, and browse to it in the shape file?


I tried this, and the character still falls through the mesh :/

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