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Light Hide() Show()


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Does this works with lights ? i have some code that makes game crash, perhaps i odn't use it well ?


Here si the script attached to a light (target is the player object like done in Camera script for example)


Script.minDistance = 5.0--float
Script.framecounter = 0
Script.target = nil--Entity "Target"

function Script:UpdateWorld()
       self.framecounter = self.framecounter +1 
    if self.framecounter > 10   then 
         local dist = self.entity:GetDistanceToEntity(self.target.entity)
          if dist > self.minDistance then
         self.framecounter = 0

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It's old GoblinAI code, so here is some code usefull for the WIKI smile.png



Script.minDistance = 5.0--float
Script.framecounter = 0
Script.target = nil--Entity "Target"

function Script:UpdateWorld()
          self.framecounter = self.framecounter +1
          if self.framecounter > 10 then
                     local dist = self.entity:GetDistance(self.target)
                     if dist > self.minDistance then
                     self.framecounter = 0


Not the optimisation with framecounter : no need to check each frame, each 10 frames or more for some half second is enought.

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@Rick: without optimisation, on the level when you see only 2 or 5 lights, it's displayed 10-15 or more are displayed and calculated, i increased frame rate from 10-17 to 25-40 with such FPS view.


You can check lights every half second, instead of each frame, so a counter helps.

Distance is not a lot eating CPU, but if you had to calculate some Navigation path to check something, indeed you will not call it each frame.

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