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Key bindings and reverse axis.


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Hey all,


I'm not having any luck searching for these questions so I'd thought I ask the forum instead.

For the FPS Controller, is there a way (sample somewhere perhaps) to let the user define key bindings and to reverse the Y axis of the mouse?


I'm one of those people that cannot look up/down without reversing the Y axis! smile.png


And I also frequently remap wasd to asdf (a=strafe right, s=strafe left, d=down, f=up) hehe

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See the script attached. You have an extra option on the script that allows you to toggle Y inverting. I have also replaced the key bindings to ASDF. (I must say that I have never ever heard someone use those key bindings before :))

FPSPlayer-InvertY-asdf.luaFetching info...




If the keybinding is not correct you can also change it yourself quite easily. Look for these lines


if window:KeyDown(Key.f) then self.input[1]=self.input[1]+1 end
if window:KeyDown(Key.d) then self.input[1]=self.input[1]-1 end
if window:KeyDown(Key.a) then self.input[0]=self.input[0]+1 end
if window:KeyDown(Key.s) then self.input[0]=self.input[0]-1 end

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