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Indie Feature Suggestions


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Add a button to open script editor without having to run program first.


Integrate a way to run Lua functions async as Lua doesn't have that built in.


Possibly a list of assets and actual included assets would be nice as well.


More model support!



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Add a button to open script editor without having to run program first.

Double click on any script to open it on editor, even App.lua. I don't understand the point here.


Possibly a list of assets and actual included assets would be nice as well.

You have with actual demo included in LE3 all models under model folder. You'll have to make yours or find 3D models, don't use only LE3 stuff.


More model support!

Yep i would like at least "obj" file that is super popular for models without animations.

Stop toying and make games

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  On 1/21/2014 at 11:12 PM, YouGroove said:

You have with actual demo included in LE3 all models under model folder. You'll have to make yours or find 3D models, don't use only LE3 stuff.



Actually I meant so that we can see all the files and scripts our game uses like App.lua. so Project--App.lua, model.fbx, etc then the standard asset list.

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Okay, i understand better.

Actually , yes you will see all used files by your game if you publish the game only.


Well Unity and otehr engines works in the same way as LE3 :

You import all different packages you need : scripts, standard assets, sky assets etc ... in LE3 just add any folders and models,ressources you need to your directory ressources.

Than when you drop something in the 3D scene , it is in the scene tab visible, just select it to see the script it uses.

Even UDK works the same way.


The scene tab just shows all stuff you use, it's not complicated, as you've created your game i thin you have also an idea of what is used.

why wanting to see all stuff in one view ? What does it brigns more ? Does have the list of used scripts makes your game better ?

If you worked on a big team for a very big project like Skyrim, well why not ,perhaps you would need to survey as a manager what is created, hwo many , what are the CVS version etc ... but we are indie world here not EA or Bioware.



I don't see the point of that request.

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Your workflow is special ?

I have some NPC that don't behave like i want, i select it and in script tab just opne one time the script.

Even working on level design , any time the Lua file is tsill open in editor.

You see a door not working as intended, just select model go to script, open it in editor and modify it until it works well.

Than you can close this door script file also.

Seems you work on all models behaviour scripts at same time : bad way to work i would say

or you are a super coder, modifying 10 scripts at same time without testing before coding all 10 Lua files ?

Work on one thing at time is a great rule.


Really there are super needed stuff in editor like "rectangle selection of objects " etc ... than things like that only asked by one or two people.

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I just want a quick access to the Script Editor. I dont want to search my scripts. I dont want to click through the SceneRoot. I just will press one Button and *tada* there is my script editor and my previous edited scripts are opened.


you are a super coder

I just dont like to waste time in bad/unfinished designed user interfaces and like to give suggestions how to make them better to increase the usability and the workflow. I dont believe that you dont understand this suggestion.


Really there are super needed stuff in editor like "rectangle selection of objects " etc ... than things like that only asked by one or two people.


sure its no super important feature but this is a suggestion to increase the workflow a lot because you dont waste time by clicking and searching again... and again... and...... again. And I dont think that there only one or two people that would like something like this.


He also was confused how to open the ScriptEditor




btw: a button that just opens the script editor may cost 5 minute of coding time to integrate this into leadwerks.

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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Well all scripts are under "script" forlder , is that complicated lol.

I think it's more organisation problem and how people keep a project clear.

For example , how i do : name scripts as 3D models :

soldierBasic model -> SoldierBasicAI.Lua

DoorType1 -> DoorType1.Lua

etc ....

In game your soldier don't behave like you want, just go to script folder and open soldier script, or select soldier in the 3D scene and go to it's script tab to modify it.

What game are you making to have thousand of scripts to manage or not be able to easy find them LE3 editor or directly open windows explorer and open all scripts you want laugh.png ?



btw: a button that just opens the script editor may cost 5 minute of coding time to integrate this into leadwerks.



Do you talk about that ?



or that ?




Really managing a project and it's script is really direct and easy on Leadwerks 3.


It will take time and not 5 minutes only, there are serious unresolved problems like drag n drop and others, not sure your new button to not bring new problems ....

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In game your soldier don't behave like you want, just go to script folder and open soldier script, or select soldier in the 3D scene and go to it's script tab to modify it.


thats exactly what I dont want. this is just uncomfortable. its not a project management issue for me.


Do you talk about that ?


exactly. this button in the mainmenu (e.g between the run buttons) would be nice. so I dont have to search the scripts and just can press this button to see the scripteditor with my last edited scripts.


so what we want is a 1-click-solution to open the editor

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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I agree better workflow caus this is too much steps :


Direct access to script :


- select entity model in 3D View

- right click : menu appears and it would contain "edit scrip" item



- select entity model in 3D View

- if the model have a script attached, a button would be clickable in top menu


I prefer right click menu solution as you don't have to move the mouse far away ot reach top menu.

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Simple stuff put long time to arrive like Camera 3D scene icon and gizmo, but it has arrived.


The problem is that suggestions arrive each days, and so they are forgotten on old posts, that's really sad ,specially super needed ones like a simple "rectangle selection " to select objects and stuff. Same for super missing essential decal system etc ...



But we can work with LE3 like it is , what i think is priority is serious bugs.

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@YouGroove, I don't think that's the problem. I think the problem is Josh only has so many hours in a day and right now he's working on getting Leadwerks running on Linux. Yes, this is a minor annoyance but it in no way breaks the engine or makes the workflow horrible. This is a very minor thing that has a "work around" at this time.

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