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Odd physics stuff


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I'm testing out different types of physics pads (Jump pads, boost pads) I've found a couple odd things.


1. When you use a jump pad and hit the bottom of a brush my controller(FPS prefab) goes straight through and lands on the top


2. when using a force based boost pad, going any direction other than straight will instantly kill you.



Both pads are based on the JumpPads tutorial.

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*edit* it says I'm not permitted to upload .map files


Script.JumpForce = nil --vec3 "Jump Force"
Script.SelectiveCollision = false --bool "Selective Collision"
Script.ColObj = nil --Entity "Collision Object"
Script.Active = false --bool "Active"

function Script:Start()

function Script:Enable()
if self.Active == false then
self.Active = true
function Script:Disable()
if self.Active == true then
self.Active = false

function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed)
 if (self.SelectiveCollision == true and entity == self.ColObj ) then
 elseif (self.SelectiveCollision == false) then

That is my jumppad script



Both brushes of ground are set to rigid body and scene.

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Well. at least point 2 makes sence because if you look into the script you will see this part:

function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed)
 if speed>20 then

which means that if the character collides with something at a speed greater 20 you will be killed instantly.


Edit: i of course mean the FPSPlayer.lua script

Edited by beo6
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  On 1/22/2014 at 12:06 AM, beo6 said:

Well. at least point 2 makes sence because if you look into the script you will see this part:

function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed)
if speed>20 then

which means that if the character collides with something at a speed greater 20 you will be killed instantly.

But if I'm still on top of the same brush I'm not colliding with anything new, and that also wouldn't explain why getting pushed straight is ok but not a different direction.

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i don't know your exact level build but you don't need to collide with anything new because collision is called i guess every frame or so when you collide with anything other then a Trigger.


Do you still get killed if you comment the line "self:Hurt(100)" out?

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i am not sure. That would require a bit of try and error.


My first guess is that it possibly collides again with the Trigger object.


Try this to have Triggers not kill your character: (not tested code)

function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed)
 if speed>20 and entity:GetCollisionType()~=Collision.Trigger then

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  On 1/22/2014 at 12:21 AM, beo6 said:

i am not sure. That would require a bit of try and error.


My first guess is that it possibly collides again with the Trigger object.


Try this to have Triggers not kill your character: (not tested code)

function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed)
if speed>20 and entity:GetCollisionType()~=Collision.Trigger then


This didn't work, i tried playing with it a bit, and still nothing. But I did notice that it is still killing me even if the force is set under 20

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Your problem could be BSP or physics on BSP, i played a good bunch with BSP , models and physics and there are some serious physic bugs. Perhaps you are in one of these physics problem ?



ok so how does game works ? you walk on yellow area and your character jumps ? on grey area nothing special just a walkable surface ?

is there any danger area ?

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The force is perhaps too high also :

I made some F-Zero style prototype using BSP cubes, and i got the bsp cube vehicle passing throught level caus of velocity.

Why not : reducing force and just detect blue collision ?

or use : PhysicsSetPosition to manually make the player fly vertical to blue until it collides with blue volume ?

OR use raycast above player head to detect the Y possible collision , and after yellow jump, make it jump until it reaches the players head , you could make it jump until it reaches or have a great Y value than Y collision reported by raycast. This way, you could use any velocity.

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