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LE3 and OpenGL 2 for mobile


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Developping for mobile, specially , simple games without graphics requirements , just need OpenGL2 nott spcecially above.

simple example : a racing game with one directionnal light only for anddroid device, or game with hand drawn 3D textures and baked lightening.For this style of game developping on PC for mobile should not require OpenGL 4.0.


So how will it be for mobile and LE3 on the future ? Develop on OpenGL4 anyway ? Or some possibility

to swicth to OpenGL2 also on PC ?

Is it too complicated to be able to switch from OpenGL2 to Deffered OpenGL4 ? OR no more possible ?


(Just curious)

Stop toying and make games

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I think Josh was hinting at mobile for 3.1 being the highest available OpenGL version for mobile. I think most all new devices support it, and the fact that mobile 3.1 isn't available yet and given all the other stuff I'm guessing 6+ months is probably until it is. This gives a good amount of time, especially in the mobile space, for more of the market to catch up (ie. people buying newer devices).


I agree that having support for older OpenGL version would be nice, but sounds like there just wasn't much demand for it compared to everyone who wants the real-time lighting with deferred renderer.

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Most mobile devices run OpenGL ES 2, with only the very last generation (iPhone 5s, some Android devices running 4.3 and upwards) running OpenGL ES 3. I think the latter one is somewhat comparable to OpenGL 3.3 (desktop), but it's definitely less powerful than OpenGL4 (e.g. no tessellation and geometry shaders). Also, I think Josh mentioned he won't be charging for the mobile add-ons in Leadwerks 3.1 because they are basically the 3.0 add-ons now running in 3.1. The interesting question will be what happens afterwards, e.g. if Josh develops a deferred renderer for mobile and then how many of the desktop shaders might also run on mobile.

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being the highest available OpenGL version for mobile


Ok so like PC, mobile will not support older hardware. This is a choice and if demand for LE3 is graphics higher even on mobile, why not ? Some engines propose a switch : Deffered or simple lightening. Even Unity proposes now a 2D framework , and you can imagine it will run on any low device or low PC.

I bet LE3 just want to concentrate on higher graphics only, not backward compatibility, so harcore gamers mainly having not old PC or simple mobiles.

There is market indeed for OpenGL4 and above ONLY , but i find OpenGL 2 possibility could have been great for mobile.

Stop toying and make games

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