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Physics problem with model


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HI Guys,


I have an issue with a model I have made in 3D Coat. I have brought it into Leadwerks as a test with no materials or textures just to see its scale and what it looks like in the engine.


After messing about with the scale I have managed to scale the model to an appropriate size. I have also brought in the FPS controller from the Prefabs > Player folder.


I placed that on the floor of my model and then went into the Physics settings of my model.


Below here is two links to screenshots of he Physics settings on the model and also a screen shot of my whole screen so you can see everything (just incase I am missing something simple tongue.png).


Screenie Physics: http://gyazo.com/9c39316c007ec15cd60c9bce01b8d995


Screen whole screen: http://gyazo.com/0bea83a8a168b721c50ced198e8a0db7


Thanks! biggrin.png

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I want my FPS Controller to be able to walk along the floor of my model. In the screenshots you can see I have placed the FPS Controller inside the tunnel on the floor of the model. Every time I hit F6 to play and see if everything is looking good, the FPS Controller just falls through the floor of my model :(

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Oh, well, go to your assets tab, rightclick your model (the one you imported) and select "generate shape", select the option "Convex hull". After that file is saved, attach it in the physics tab to the model after selecting your model in the viewport (or scene list). It's in the physics tab the 2nd option "Shape file".

After you did that, just try it again.


P.S. might be of type "Prop" instead of "scene", but i'm not 100% sure her

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  On 1/26/2014 at 8:19 PM, Mordred said:

Oh, well, go to your assets tab, rightclick your model (the one you imported) and select "generate shape", select the option "Convex hull". After that file is saved, attach it in the physics tab to the model after selecting your model in the viewport (or scene list). It's in the physics tab the 2nd option "Shape file".

After you did that, just try it again.


P.S. might be of type "Prop" instead of "scene", but i'm not 100% sure her


Tried that and it didn't work :(

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Okay, we managed to find out the following:


We have to resize the model after importing it into Leadwerks, because it's just to big as it is. By doing so we have to make a new polymesh to attach to the model to prevent players from falling though the floor (or move through walls).


The problem ist: the polymesh we create after (!) resizing the model (and even when saving it under a new name) is still the original size it was in the first place. So if we resize the model to, say, 10%, the mesh is still at size 100% and thus it does not fit onto the model.


Anyone knows a workaround for that issue that a newbie might use?

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If i might respond to your suggestion, Christian :). That might work with this quite easy shape (btw. it's not pure plane walls, but i see that suggestion might work). The problem comes with other, larger, models with more tris. For e.g. i own a few premade houses that have several layers, or dungeon tunnels that are more smooth / round than simple boxes.


And tbh it's a lot of work to make those invisble boxes for all your models. You're doing the models in a diff. program to make live easier in the first place, not to place them and to have build invisble layouts all arround (if i would do that, i could build the model in Leadwerks in the first place).


Anyways, as mentioned Josh is already into it :)

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@YouGroove, yeah sorry thats my fault haha. I am very new to modelling and have recently learnt about topology. I used 3D Coat to make these models and used the AUTOPO feature it has which sometimes isn't the best :P


Once Josh has fixed this bug with the scaling of the models and the polymesh, I will defo be going back to these models and doing the topology again manually, these models also don't have any UV's either, just wanted to see what they looked like in the engine and see if I could get the FPS Controller to be able to walk inside the tunnels :D


Thanks for letting me know though otherwise I would most prob left them as they are haha :P

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  • 1 year later...

Hey there,


I read the posts here and I 've today encounter problems like this.

I downloaded a free "Lighthouse" model with stairs in the tower.


I put a "Poly Mesh" on the model and I thought first this would work fine, because I saw the triangles on the stairs and everywhere where a player should walk, BUT Ingame the saved Poly Mesh is not as showed and the player falls through the ground.


Second times Poly Mesh loaded, I observed the "good" built Poly Mesh cannot be saved, only a part of it can be loaded, rest disappears.... Any Help with this ???



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