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Collision without physics?


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Hi, I just bought this engine a couple of days ago. It's really nice so far, but the physics engine is kind of glitchy. There have been other posts on the physics engine, and so I am aware the developer is working on it. BUT, the game I am looking to make doesn't need any sort of physics; I just need collision. Unfortunately, I can't seem to collide with anything if the mass is set to 0. If I enable physics, I can't seem to get it to not move, and It goes through everything. SO, does anyone have an idea?


*EDIT: I am using a rigid body character, not a character controller.

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I know it will take a while but I'm really curious what you come up with. One of my inspirations is another Leadwerks 2.5d platformer: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/278-the-last-chapter/

You probably can't download it as it was an LE2 project but take my word that it's pretty cool.

The other bigger one is Trine / Trine 2 but that involves physics and control that I don't think Leadwerks can do yet.

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Ok, so it turns out that method had a lot of collision bugs. I then came up with a new solution that uses the physics, and it (almost) works, but it is really weird. The physics for the player are so jittery it makes the game virtually unplayable. I don't think it's lag, either, because the frame rate is about 180! I'll put up the project in a moment; It'll take a while to upload.

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Your call to SetRotation() is resetting the entity physics each frame, and it's also called in UpdateWorld() instead of UpdatePhysics(), where it should be (if at all): I changed the command to PhysicsSetRotation() which will do the same thing by applying torque to the object.

local window = Window:GetCurrent()


local onGround = false


function Script:Start()

x = self.entity.position.x

y = self.entity.position.y

z = self.entity.position.z



function Script:UpdatePhysics()


window = Window:GetCurrent()


if window:KeyDown(Key.D) and not cRight then

self.entity:SetVelocity(Vec3(10, self.entity:GetVelocity().y, 0))

elseif window:KeyDown(Key.A) and not cLeft then

self.entity:SetVelocity(Vec3(-10, self.entity:GetVelocity().y, 0))



if window:KeyDown(Key.W) and onGround then




--self.entity:SetRotation(0, 0, 0)

self.entity:PhysicsSetRotation(0, 0, 0)

self.entity.position.z = -6.0


onGround = false



function Script:Collision( entity, position, normal, speed )




if normal.y > 0.0 then

onGround = true





You will always have problems if you try to make a rigid body behave like a character controller, because a character controller is fundamentally unrealistic...it always points straight up and down and can't rotate around the XZ axes. Even if you use a force to try to change the orientation, that force will have other unintended effects.


The character controller is specifically designed for this type of movement and should really be used here. There are previous projects that used it in this way.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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