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Leadwerks 3.0 Autoloads Leadwerks 3.1 Projects


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Per my post here and Rick's response in the next post, I believe 3.0 and 3.1 share a configuration file which causes 3.0 to crash when you've used 3.1 (and maybe vice versa). The image shows 3.0 loading the last project I created in 3.1. If they indeed share a Leadwerks.cfg then that's probably the problem right there.


I don't imagine you need a project file as this doesn't seem to be an issue specific to a single project but I can provide one if you'd like. Thank you.

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They use the same config file in the same location. It's the way Microsoft says to do things, to be compliant with UAC. This means applications basically have a global configuration on any PC. I could rename the config file to "Leadwerks3.1.cfg" but then that would cause more problems when a version 3.2 was released.

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