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Move character in direction of mouse cursor


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If i move mouse direction, the character rotates to that direction, and move to that direction if i have the "run" key pressed.




The mouse direction is taken on Script:UpdateWorld to rotate character to the direction.

How to get the angle of the mouse cursor to pass it to SetInput ?


(This is not my code , but from codeApe old physic problem )



function Script:UpdateWorld()
   local window = Window:GetCurrent()

-- Mouse pointer handling
self.screenCord = window:GetMousePosition()

-- Set height over floor to aim
self.screenCord.z = self.cam:GetPosition(true).y - self.entity:GetPosition(true).y

-- Convert mouse screen space coord to 3d space coord
local Vec3 worldCord = self.cam:UnProject(self.screenCord)
self.hairPiv:SetPosition(worldCord, false)

-- Make the player look at the mouse pointer
self.entity:Point(self.hairPiv, 2)




And update pysics where i can't figure out , how to calculate cursor angle for SetInput call ?



function Script:UpdatePhysics()

local window = Window:GetCurrent()

local zMod = 0
if window:KeyDown(Key.Z) then
zMod = 1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed

local pos = self.entity:GetPosition()
local dir = Vec2(pos.z,pos.x):Normalize()
local angle = -Math:ATan2(dir.y,-dir.x)

self.screenCord.x = xMod



If anyone oculd help me on that ?

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Stop toying and make games

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I did something similar for a 3rd person game. dont have the code here now but it works fine:


1.get 3D point from player (Point A)

2. get window 2D position from mouse

3. Pick with 2D position from mouse

4. pickinfo.position (Point B )

5. now you can easily calculate the angle between A and B with dont sure but it was arctan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) (there is also a cosinus way but i dont know them right now) i guess to get the angle you also can do it with arctan2 but I believe atan2 gives you radians not degrees


6. I used http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/math/mathcurveangle-r603 to get a smooth moving between different angles (turning 180 degrees would be superfast and I want a small "lag" to turn)

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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5. now you can easily calculate the angle between A and B with dont sure but it was arctan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) (there is also a cosinus way but i dont know them right now) i guess to get the angle you also can do it with arctan2 but I believe atan2 gives you radians not degrees



Thanks, but don't understand that.


Yes i have mouse Coords and Player 3D position : the angle player have in X,Z to mouse Coords , how to get that ?


How to do with that objects below ?






I just ask the lua code and math retrieving the angle if someone know how to.

Stop toying and make games

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Ok working now.


The working example (for WIKI or tutorials section)

function Script:Start()
--Player movement speed
self.moveSpeed = 0.3

-- Camera distance from player
self.camDist = 5

-- Create camera and position it
local camPos = self.entity:GetPosition(true)
self.cam = Camera:Create()
camPos.y = self.camDist

-- Crosshair resources
self.cross = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/crosshair.tex")
self.hairPiv = Pivot:Create();
self.screenCord = Vec3(0, 0, 0)


function Script:UpdateWorld()
local window = Window:GetCurrent()

-- Mouse pointer handling
self.screenCord = window:GetMousePosition()
-- Set height over floor to aim
self.screenCord.z = self.cam:GetPosition(true).y - self.entity:GetPosition(true).y

-- Convert mouse screen space coord to 3d space coord
local Vec3 worldCord = self.cam:UnProject(self.screenCord)
self.hairPiv:SetPosition(worldCord, false)

-- Make the player look at the mouse pointer
self.entity:Point(self.hairPiv, 2)


function Script:UpdatePhysics()
local window = Window:GetCurrent()

-- Player keyboard input
local xMod = 0;
if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then
xMod = 1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed
elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Q) then
xMod = -1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed

local zMod = 0
if window:KeyDown(Key.Z) then
zMod = 1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed
elseif window:KeyDown(Key.S) then
zMod = -1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed

local targetpos = worldCord
local posPlayer = self.entity:GetPosition()
local dir = Vec2(targetpos.z-posPlayer.z,targetpos.x-posPlayer.x):Normalize()
local angle = -Math:ATan2(dir.y,-dir.x)



Stop toying and make games

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nice example. I implemented this way for prototyping. you can also use IncAngle() if you dont like that the player follows the mouse that fast. so it take some msec to turn 180°


self.camera:Pick(App.window:GetMousePosition().x, App.window:GetMousePosition().y, self.mouseInfo, 0.0, true)
--angle to mouse/joystick
if self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z >= 0 then
self.mouseAngle = Math:ATan((self.mouseInfo.position.x - self.playerPosition.x)/(self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z))
if self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z < 0 then
self.mouseAngle = Math:ATan((self.mouseInfo.position.x - self.playerPosition.x)/(self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z))+180

self.playerAngle = Math:IncAngle(self.mouseAngle, self.playerAngle, 20.0)
self.entity:SetRotation(0,self.playerAngle,0) --later use SetInput

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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