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Character contribution


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Future contribution as i have time :

Character animated for Leadwerks prototyping.






Basic rigging done.

Animation and upload will come later.




The polycount is low on foots, torso etc ... as this character is more suited to be equiped with boots armor etc ...

It will be a customizable one if we can say (i'll try to make basic interesting gears and some basic solid hear)


I'm not good for animations but i'll do ones :


basic :




-crouch idle

-crouch walk


-fall vertical

-plane (like using wings)




Adventure :

- climb mid obstacle

- climb hight obstacle

- climb wall

- swim




It seems we can "mix" animations" by code like

Torso = gun handling + legs = Walk


Torso = knife handling + legs = Walk


If so, i'll add combat anims :

- knife attack

- knife parade

- gun shoot

- gun reload

- gun walk/run simple subtle anim

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Stop toying and make games

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I'm hoping to use your other model tonight in a tutorial to show how to do split animations. We can also rotate bones in code which can give us leaning effects or aid in making split animations better by leaning the spine forward some when running for example if we are doing split animations.


The jump over mid/high objects is a sweet addition. I love games that do this. It looks so cool and I would love to try this in code because the way I picture it, the model itself doesn't move forward when doing the animation. It stays still, but in code we would have to disable/hide the controller and manually move the model forward to the other side over the right amount of time and once on the other side, enable the controller again. Sounds like a fun challenge to get the timing right but it looks amazing when you have it.

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Great for animations mixing tutorial.


About climbing, i thaught , just climb it , not jump over.


But we can try a jump over obstacles, perhaps some raycast to determine the lenght of obstacle to compare with character maximum lentgh jump.

Some way used by some made games , is simplification of detection with objects tagged as "Jumpable" in your level.




Other stuff that is lacking : for another time i think, it will be for LE3 coders.


Character legs and foot auto placed , oriented on floor :

Actually tested on terrain in LE3 with a next gen character, for some FPS game without that it looks strange.









Well let's forget that Ik system for another time, not all games need that, specially top down RPG laugh.png

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Stop toying and make games

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But we can try a jump over obstacles, perhaps some raycast to determine the lenght of obstacle to compare with character maximum lentgh jump.


I think the "easy" approach to this is having the things you can jump over basically be around the same size. You are right about the "jumpable" flag. This could be done a couple ways and a trigger could be one of them. Place a trigger right next to the thing that is jumpable. if the player is inside this trigger and they press the jump button and forward button, then we do the jump over animation and logic.

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