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Map no more working


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I wsa working on a map today.


PErhaps some update has been done behind the scene ?


I try launch and i got these two errors :

-Running the game fails : map file (23) not supported ?

-Trying some "update" button under project manager fails


What can i do ?



Should not map update must be done behind the scene for the user ?

Auto detect map version and propose a dialog box :

"Your map version is outdated"

"Would you want to update your map ?"


Or did i miss something ?

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Your map file is fine.


The editor is failing to copy that DLL, and thus the update process exits before the game executables get written. Why it would be unable to copy it, I do not know. The only thing that would cause that is if the game is running while you do this, or the file is marked read-only for some reason.


Try deleting that DLL in your project directory. If Windows won't let you delete it, it means a silent process is using it, or it is read-only. Both of these seem unlikely but that's the only explanation I can think of.

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