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Map shaders corruped


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I tried Shadmar "post effects".

They worked half if we can say.

And i removed the "post effect" prefab from the scene and i removed the "post effect" folder from assets.

But now the game runs strangely, as shaders on floor don't show and character is still white ?



What to do ?


Even the asset folder got corrupted.

Only dropping shader on character on model editor seems good , but even after saving it remains full white on the 3D scene ?



I tried re editing and changing character and floor shaders, no way, problems remain.

Also deleted Camera and cretated a new one , still same problems.

Even adding a directionnal light makes no effects, no light is visible on level.


I think internal stuff or map or shaders in asset panel on editor has been corrupted.

Well hopefully good that happened in the prototyping phase and not in some final level with months of work sleep.png

(I won't try post effects again until i'm sure it won't shake up the game project)

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Back to normal ...




No map and shaders was working.

So i took project manager and switched, other project and map all lightening and shaders was ok.

Switch back to game project in project manager ... and shaders, lights display has returned to normal almost ..

(as i had to re attribute shaders for some models)




Just re opened the level after re launch LE3 and not all is back to normal :

- Shader on asset browser is still very dark ? i re edited it , changed maps, shader type , but nothing to do ?

- On the floor normal map and specular don't show after trying lot of stuff ...

- SpotLight fixd on character seems to become some directionnal lights between some angles

Seems map or project are corrupted finally.



Strange the floor shader looks normal and works as intended in another project.

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One solution :

As all maps of the project go crazy like directionnal light not lighting, just let down the problematic project.

In project manager choose a project where i didn't use post effects and where shaders and lights don't have any problem.


That's sad as it seems to be a runtime problem : shader and directionnal light showing in editor not at run time ?



Hopefully it is prorotyping phase.



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