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Terrain test problem


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I made a terrain , calculated Navigation.

Placed one crawler with player script, and two other crawlers with AI lua script.

Whne launching the game, the two other crawlers are invisible ?


See post below for the map test file (that can be used with "MyGame" LE3 project)

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Nop i calculated NavMesh, than after i position them above navmesh.

Yep it seems they are invisible, don't know why as i didn't touch their shaders.


I have put the basic map test that should work with "MyGame" default LE3 project.

Stop toying and make games

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The problem is here in the script:

 local material = Material:Create()






It sets its own material to make it invisible, as a way to hide the model while still making it visible in the editor. Because the player was using the crawler model, the other instances got the same material. biggrin.png


Perhaps some question design of the script, but not a bug.

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