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Pick questions


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I have this code below , and it don't collides with other character controllers only other physic models or level stuff.

It is normal ?


if App.world:Pick(pos, dir, p ) == true then
       if p.entity ~= nil then
           local type = p.entity:GetKeyValue("type", "")

           if type == "alien" then



For debugging , i created a sphere at entity position that has been Picked and yes only level and solid physic stuff is detected.


Should we always use some Camera:Pick(x,y,entity) instead ?

Should not World:Pick(vector3,vector3,enity) work with character controllers ?

Stop toying and make games

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Have you made sure every entity you're trying to pick has a shape? Basic models like a box and sphere already have a shape. Imported models don't have a shape by default.

Using Leadwerks Professional Edition (Beta), mainly using C++.

Windows 10 / Linux Mint, Visual Studio 2017. GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX970, CPU: Intel i7 7700K @ 4.20 GHz

Previously known as Evayr.

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Ok, i found the problem.

That's not physic shape that is detected on Pick() , but visible triangles of your model.

My Raycast didn't touch the model polygons, even if physic cylinder was lot more highter in Y.

So i just scaled in Y the visible 3D model and yes Picking worked.


Another test : i supressed Physics from a bigger model and rayscat still detected the model.


Pick will work with visible rendered models not with physic geometry.

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Why Leadwerks 3.2 demo FPS uses several hidden box collision on zombie bones as child to detect collision ?

Pick() works on animated i think, so just detecting if pick hits' entity would have been enought no ?


Box are good to detect what part of a model is hit like leg or torso, but for general collision pick() is enought and ok.

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