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PhysicSetPosition crashing


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I have some ball projectile that works great using SetPosition(x,y,z)

But when i replace that with PhysicsSetPosition() it crashes ?


Here is the main loop code :



function Script:updatebullet()

       self.bullIncr = self.bullIncr + 0.05

       if self.bullActive == true then
       -- Offset towards direction to not collision with player
       pos = self.bullStartPoint + (self.bulldirN * 2 *  self.bullIncr)

       -- more above ground
       pos.y = 1.5 

       --self.bullet:SetPosition(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z )
       self.bullet:PhysicsSetPosition(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z , 1)


I used at start creation of the ball SetCollisionType for it to work with PhysicsSetPosition()

   self.bullet =  Model:Sphere()


What could be the problem ?

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In lua it says error in function if i use Vec3 ?


Another question , at init, i just want to place the physic ball at a position , do i need to use PhysicSetPosition ?

or just SetPosition ?

and call PhysicsSetPosition only when moving the ball at updates ?

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Well using Vec3, the debugger says error in Function.

Using 4 parameters no roblem but it crashes.

I tried also 0,0,0 as position where there is no geometry but it crashes ?


Could it be mass = 0 the problem ? or physics= debris ?


Does anyone uses PhysiscSetPosition without problem ? (i remember some elevator example on workshop using that, i'll take a look)

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Ok found the problem :

You must use a mass different from 0


Also if you want it to Physic collide and not path trhought physic object you have to simply also give it a shape as it's created by code :


self.bullet = Model:Sphere()

 --Create a shape
 local shape = Shape:Sphere(0,0,0, 0,0,0, 1,1,1)




ok i have bullet a stand alone prefab with it's own script and it works better.

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