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Bloom effect not visible


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I got simply Leadwerks 3.1 with last updates.

So i have a post effect panel now for the Root of the scene.

I have several post effects to choose from and also Bloom, i think this is the official post effects of LE3 , or am i wrong ?


Anyone has Bloom effect visible ? when just selecting it ?

All others effects are visible when i choose them, but Bloom do nothing ?

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@DudeAwesome :

Thanks , it worked, yes i had to activate it by one Lua line of code script attached to a Camera, and i was wrong as Bloom seems to not be included in standard Setam Leadwerks 3.1 download, only on workshop for regular Steam Leadwerks 3.1 users.

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Most posteffects will only be available through the current "Workshop" or later through the real steam workshop.

Currently only pure "*.shader" posteffects are supported via the in Editor option.


Some advanced effects will need multiple passes. Bloom for instance needs blurred and downsampled buffers which are prepared in the lua script. So while it may work with the in editor settings there might be issues which will be only resolved when lua posteffects are officially supported in the editor.

  • Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a camera set up in my map and I have attached the bloom.lua script to the camera and I have added the bloom.shader in the root panel in the 'Scene' tab and whenever I run my game I get an error saying 'attempt to index local buffer (a nil value). The line of code where the error is coming from is 'local w=buffer:GetWidth()'


Am I missing something :(

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